My Composition 1 class was something different that I’ve never thought would expect to be involved in an English class

My Composition 1 class was something different that I’ve never thought would expect to
be involved in an English class. The professor’s theme for the semester was Superheros and how can they be apart of our society. What are these heros fighting for? Who are they fighting for? What do they represent? What issues are they trying to manage? These were some of the questions we had to ask ourselves, when we were doing our research. We had to research for articles that discussed important themes we had discussed in our class. Overall, I learned that in order to construct a good essay you must have a thesis, what do you want the reader to get out from this essay? Obviously,cite any articles you may incorporate into your writing using the proper formats such as APA or MLA. If you use any quotes make sure to properly intext the citations, also watch out for grammar or punctuation mistakes. What I also learned was that some articles you may stumble upon in the future won’t always be easy to comprehend at first, but the more you read it over or try to rephrase in your own words the easier it will be to understand the article.
I have a love and hate relationship writing, sometimes I enjoy writing because it allows me to express my thoughts or opinions; but other times it’s a pain for me to write because I’m not really putting effort into my work. It’s also a bit hard for me to concentrate in class when I have to do class assignments, because some people have conversations and make me a bit uneasy.
I am learning how to properly manage and tune out noises that may distract me. I prefer working at home since I have my quiet place and have no one to interrupt me when I am doing my work. During high school, I would spend my lunch time sitting in the main office writing stories or reading a book. I tried over the summer to finish writing a story I started a year ago, but couldn’t quite finish, due to complications. As some once told me ” your best writing gets done at midnight with a nice cup of tea or coffee”, which I gladly agree with!
I’m a big fan of reading because you get to expand your knowledge more by reading. I enjoy having something to read during my commute to school and back home. They say reading is the best way to commence your day because there is never a day you go without reading, you read the signs in train stations, stores, and crossing signs. I do struggle reading articles sometimes because we then have to interpret the text in our own words or pull out important facts from the article that may help us in our assignments, but it is something that I am working on regularly to become proficient at doing.
What I expect from this literature class is to learn more vocabulary words, and what I can do to better my writing when doing my assignments and as well how to can I expand my reading in other genres. I expect to learn something each day that can benefit me in someway. But I am excited to learn what this class can offer me that may help me widen my knowledge and possibly inspire to become an English teacher.