i Contents Summary ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1 1.0 History of Reading ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2 2.0 What is Reading? ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 3 3.0 Why Reading is Important? …………………………………………………………………………….. 4 4.0 Why do We Read? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 5.0 Why Reading is Good for You? ……………………………………………………………………….. 7 6.0 Conclusion and Recommendation ……………………………………………………………………. 8 References ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9

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1 Summary Reading is probably one of the most beneficial activities that a person can do. It is through reading that a person is going to be able to discover new ideas, concepts, places, and people. Some people even describe reading as a journey that starts as the opening of a page and finishes as the last page is turned. The reason why reading is so important is because reading is relaxing to our mind and soul. It is a way for children to reach out to the world, and it improves our thinking process. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

2 1.0 History of Reading The history of reading dates to the invention of writing during the 4th millennium BC. Although reading print text is now an important way for the general population to access information, this has not always been the case. With some exceptions, only a small percentage of the population in many countries was considered literate before the Industrial Revolution. Some of the pre-modern societies with generally high literacy rates included classical Athens and the Islamic Caliphate. Scholars assume that reading aloud (Latin clare legere) was the more common practice in antiquity, and that reading silently (legere tacite or legere sibyl) was unusual. In his Confessions, Saint Augustine remarks on Saint Ambrose’s unusual habit of reading silently in the 4th century AD. During the Age of Enlightenment, elite individuals promoted passive reading, rather than creative interpretation. Reading has no concrete laws, but let’s readers escape to produce their own products introspectively, promoting deep exploration of texts during interpretation. Some thinkers of that era believed that construction or the creation of writing and producing a product, was a sign of initiative and active participation in society-and viewed constructors made. Also, during this era, writing was considered superior to reading in society. They considered readers of that time passive citizens because they did not produce a product. Michel de certeau argued that the elites of the Age of Enlightenment were responsible for this general belief. Michel de Certeau believed that reading required venturing into an author’s land but taking away what the reader wanted specifically. This view held that writing was a superior art to reading within the hierarchical constraints of the era. In 18th-century Europe, the then new practice of reading alone in bed was, for a time, considered dangerous and immoral. As reading became less a communal, oral practice, and more a private, silent one-and as sleeping increasingly moved from communal sleeping areas to individual bedrooms, some raised concern that reading in bed presented various dangers, such as fires caused by bedside candles. Some modern critics, however, speculate that these concerns were based on the fear that readers-especially women-could escape familial and communal obligations and transgress moral boundaries through the private fantasy worlds in books. (Lambert, n.d.)

3 2.0 What is Reading? Reading is defined as a cognitive process that involves decoding symbols to arrive at meaning. (Fyrael, 2012) Reading is an active process of constructing meanings of words. Reading with a purpose helps the reader to direct information towards a goal and focuses their attention. Although the reasons for reading may vary, the primary purpose of reading is to understand the text. Reading is a thinking process. It allows the reader to use what he or she may already know, also called prior knowledge. During this processing of information, the reader uses strategies to understand what they are reading, uses themes to organize ideas, and uses textual clues to find the meanings of new words. Each of the three components of reading is equally important. We must be understanding reading is a key and is a certainly the main point of the teaching reading in the class. However, we need to understand the text is quite a complex issue and something that we will try to do and examine in the rest of this article. To derive meaning from print, for it to make sense beyond mere “decoding”, the reader must have a knowledge base, or “mental schema”, to make associations with the concepts presented in the text. A person in the act of reading is actively, if unconsciously, engaged in a dialogue with the text, figuring out its meaning, linking it with known material or world experience, perhaps question or challenge the ideas presented on the page. Figure 1 Mind-map on the radiant of reading

4 3.0 Why Reading is Important? Reading is fundamental to function in society. There are many adults who cannot read well enough to understand the instructions on a medicine bottle. That is a scary thought especially for their children. Filling out applications becomes impossible without help. Reading road or warning sign is difficult. Even following a map becomes a chore. Day-to-day activities that many people take for a granted become a source of frustration, anger and fear. Reading is a vital skill in finding a job. Many wheel-paying jobs require as a part of job performance. There are reports and memos which must be read and responded. Poor reading skills people need to take a few times to increase and react in the workplace. A person is limited in what they can accomplish without good reading and comprehension skills. Reading is important because it develops the mind. The mind is muscle. It needs exercise. Understanding the written word is one way the mind grows in its ability. Teaching young children to read and help them to develop their language skills. It also helps them learn to listen. Everybody wants to talk, but few really to listen first after we read. Lack of listening skills can result in major misunderstandings which can lead to job loss, marriage breakup, and other disasters-small and great. Reading also can helps children and adults to focus on what someone else is communicating. Reading is very important because it is how we discover new things. Book, magazines and even the internet are great learning tools which require the ability to read and understand what is reading. Some people who will know how to read can educate themselves in any area of life they are interested in. We live in an age where we overflow with information, but reading is the main way to take advantage of it. After that, reading always can develop the creative side of people. When reading to children, stop everything in a while and ask them what they think to do after this time. Get them to think about the story. When it was finished, ask them to think about a better ending or anything that could be improved it. This is because they will think about the plot of story after they read or see the story. If they really like the story, encourage them to illustrate it with their own drawings or to make up a different story with the same characters. The fact of the power by the written ideas communicated through reading is a foundational reason why some governments oppose free and honest communication. Illiterate people are easier to control and manipulate. They can’t do their own research and thinking about of the reading. They always rely on what they are told and how their emotions are swayed. There is a good possibility, but that is the one main reasons of phonics was removed 100 years ago. Finally, why reading is important? Reading is important because words-spoken and written are the building blocks of life. The result of words that you have heard or read and believed about of the result of words of yourself. What you become in the future will depend on the words you believe about yourself now. (Davis, 2016)

5 Figure 2 Why reading is important?

6 4.0 Why do We Read? There are several reasons why we read, and this will often influence what we read and how we read it. We might read for pleasure. In this case it is most likely that we will be reading a book of some sort. We could be reading it because we have heard the song but didn’t quite catch the words or perhaps our children are listening to it, but we are worried that some of the lyrics might not be suitable. In other words, there are multiple reasons why someone might read a text. But working out of the purpose is a key factor when it comes to teaching reading. Why we are something will make a difference to how we read it. We must also bear in mind the purpose of the text from the writer’s point of view. Texts don’t exist in a vacuum; somebody wrote the text and they had a reason for doing so. It could be that the writer’s and the reader’s reasons are the same or similar. But it is equally possible that the two have different purposes. The writer has a message they want to convey. The reader will try to decode the message by reading with the same words, but this encoding and decoding doesn’t simply exist on the level of meaning. (Tennant, 2012) We must also mind about the purpose of reading. As there are a lot of purposes to read. For instance, some people read for knowledge, some people read to fill up their leisure time, some people read may due to reading is their hobby etc. All these are the purposes make us to read. However, some people read is just for nothing. They don’t even know what they are reading about but just wasting their time as they do not understand the contents. From here, the contents to be read also becomes a very important aspect to be considered as some good contents will enrich the readers with the best knowledge or vice versa.

7 5.0 Why Reading is Good for You? Reading is an activity that teaches us something that we don’t know. Whether you must read the education or fictional novels you will learn something. You will gain new knowledge after you read something out of your field. You can improve your social skills with the wealth of knowledge gained from reading. Reading makes you interesting and you can engage in conversations easily. First, reading can help you to improve your memory. (Moorhead, 2012) Reading is a mental stimulation exercise that will keep your brain active. It slows down your decline in mental power. Reading can preserve your memory in old age. Mental activities like reading help you prevent Alzheimer’s. This is a type of dementia that causes memory problems. If you want to improve your memory, then you must read a book at least one month. Second, why reading is good for you? Because reading can develop good analytical skills. If you read a novel, you will critique the author’s work. This common in literature class. Don’t limit this exercise to your literature class because this is a skill that can useful in life. You can relate some stories to real life situation. Reading can broaden your mind. If you need an activity to improve your critical thinking skill, then reading is the answer. Third, reading can improve your writing skills. Practicing writing also can help you improve writing skill however reading gives you a blueprint. Reading shows you how to write so you can follow your skills. If you know a great writer, then you should read their works and try to emulate their writing style. Writing is an art and you study it by reading. Last, reading reduces stress and provides comfort. If you are facing problems in your life you can escape reality by reading an interesting novel. Reading also can make your imagination run wild and put you in a world of your own. It is your alone time to relax and forget about your troubles for a while. Sometimes you need a break from reality. Figure 3 Reading is good for others

8 6.0 Conclusion and Recommendation The two skills are very much entwined. Perhaps you’ve heard advice suggestion that is the best way to improve writing ability read more. It turns out of the reverse is also true, as this passage from Writing to Read: Evidence for How Writing Can Improve Reading demonstrates: “While writing important in its own right, the evidence clearly shows that writing support reading and reading development. Then, increasing how often students write is a positive benefit on their development as readers,” Steve Graham, Carrey Ingram Chair in Special Education and Literacy at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College, said. “In addition, previous research demonstrates that writing about information presented in science, math, English and social studies also supports students’ learning in those subjects. If we want to maximize students’ accomplishments in these critical areas, writing needs to become part of the solution.” Explanations while you read, and summary what you read after the fact, are acts of writing, of course. They also are vital ways of improving your reading skills. “By information, the ability to reading comprehension and write in other words, to organize information into knowledge. It views about the survival skill,” Vartan Gregorian, president of Carnegie Corporation of New York, said. “As Americans, we must keep our democracy and our society from being divided not only between rich and poor, but also between those who have access to information and knowledge. Thus, the power of enlightenment, the power of self-improvement and self-assertion, the power to achieve upward mobility, and the power over their own lives and their family” ability to succeed and those who do not.”

9 References Davis, G. (December, 2016). Learn To Read. Retrieved from Why Reading Important?: Fyrael. (2012). Reading. Retrieved from Wikipedia: Lambert, T. (n.d.). Retrieved from A BRIEF HISTORY OF READING, BERKSHIRE: Moorhead, A. (21 February, 2012). CAMPBELL COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY. Retrieved from 10 BENEFITS OF READING BOOKS: Tennant, A. (7 March, 2012). Reading matters: What is Reading? Retrieved from one stop english: