Types of hazard that can occur in a care setting A hazard is something around you that can cause harm to you

Types of hazard that can occur in a care setting

A hazard is something around you that can cause harm to you.There are different types of hazards:,equipment,wet floors,substances,blocked exit doors,infections, electricity.

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In a care setting is important to make sure that all the equipment that is used,its kept safe and sure so that it doesn’t cause any harm to the service users or workers.This can include kitchen cutlery such as knives,forks etc. These items could injure the service users and lead to a serious illness.After using the cutlery the workers should make sure that they have been put away in a secure place so that it doesn’t cause any damage to the service users or to themselves.

2)Wet floors

Is a cleaner cleans the floor with a liquid and then the floor is left wet this obviously would be a hazard to the service users and the careers as anyone could slip over it and injure themselves.To prevent this a “wet floor” sign should be put in that specific point so that the workers and service users are aware of the danger and will be careful when walking on that area.


In a care setting a lot of different substances are used and if used in the wrong way or used carelessly it could cause a lot of damage to the service users and careers.Substances are mostly found in cleaning products and in medicines. A very hazardous substances used for cleaning is bleach.Bleach is a very harmful substance and when it is used,the workers must use it very carefully so that it does not cause any damage to them or to the individuals.it must be kept away from the service users especially those who have dementia.They might not know what bleach is and miss use it or even drink it by accident and this could damage their throat permanently.


In a care setting the use of injection are used very frequently so its important that they are disposed after have been used.This is extremely important as if they are left around they might be used again and this will only lead to the spread of bacteria and infections among the service user and cause the growth of very complicated illnesses such as hepatitis.it is a responsibility of the worker to dispose of any used injections and needles.

5)Blocked exit door

Sometimes stuffs are left around and they might be left at the entrance of the exit doors.Exit doors must be kept clear so that in case of an emergency,the service uses and the workers can get out of the care setting without getting hurt or blocked inside.Accidents can happen at any time and if the exit doors are blocked by heavy materials it will be impossible for the people inside to get out safely so its very crucial that the exit doors are kept clear for any case of emergency.


Electricity is a very essential thing and it used all day,all night for the whole year.of course it’s a very benefitting but it can be very dangerous too, especially in a care setting.electricity can lead to electric shock,death and fire too.these all hazards and they must be kept secure and safe away from the service users who don’t actually know the consequences of dealing with electricity.faults with electricity can cause fire and danger.