communicating more clearly and effectively requires learning some important skills -Acknowledge the thoughts

communicating more clearly and effectively requires learning some important skills

-Acknowledge the thoughts, ideas or feelings first.
Prepare to listen by knowing the other person feelings , ideas and hearing the thought by using nods
“It’s been one frustration too many. You’re wanting to give up,” or “Sounds like you’re really upset by this.”As a care providers you should use variable and non verbal communication in your day work.

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-Say it in different words.
It is very important to reflect what is said to you. It shows that your trying to understand and it clarifies the communication. By using Paraphrasing you will lets the other person know you are trying to understand. It clarifies the communication and slows the pace of the conversation.
“Sounds like you have tried everything, and you don’t know where to go next,” or “If I’m following you, you are really wondering how this recent decision will affect your home.”

-Ask open-ended questions.
If you get lost in the conversation ask an open ended questions that stars with “what,” “how,” “please explain,” or “describe.” To test your interpretation of what the speaker is saying.
“How will that influence teenagers in your community?” or “If this policy goes through, describe how it will affect your business.”

Type of communication.
One to one: its an interaction between spoken and body language between two people.
Group communication:
-Forms of communication it help to communicate effectively

-Varbal communication:
-type of varbal
Clarify message:
Be an active listener:
Showing empathy when communicating with others:
Tone and pace:
Thinking about what you’re saying:

Function of verbal:

-Non variable communication:
It usually described as “body language ” and its large part of what we communicate to each other is nonverbal. What you say to people with your eyes or your body language is just as powerful as what you say with words.How we are using it.
For example
you may avoid eye contact or speak very softly. In other words, you are trying not to communicate, likely to avoid being judged negatively by othersEye contacts:
Facial expressions: : smiles, frowns and raised eyebrows
Posture:(how we stand or sit );
how we position our bodies (folding arms or inclining the head) and where we position ourselves in relation to others;
: standing well back from the person with your arms crossed and flicking your eyes constantly towards the door isn’t exactly an encouragement to good communication
Touch ;how and where we touch ourselves, others, and objects (spectacles, clothing or pens);
Eye contact;whether we look at others, and how we do it (staring; looking away, sideways or over someone’s shoulder);

Other form of communication
British sign language:
Image and pictures:


-Why we use effective communication: communication is just exchanging information. but when we add to it effective it means that its with knowing the emotion, snd this about the information. And listening crafty so you will be able to gain the full meaning. In ather word
” Effective communication is the way this diverse group of people will be able to understand the issues and make decisions for effective change.”