The film, Under The Bombs took the audience by storm after an unsuspected war broke out in a Southern Lebanese city. This treacherous portrayal embodied the real-time events of a war that was never supposed to happen. As a Mother franticly trudges through a city reckoned with rubble, she takes us on a journey through the heartache, and fear that comes with losing a child. Zeina (the Mother), and her husband are having marital problems and decide to send their son, Harim to Lebanon to stay with Zeina’s sister. This takes a turn for the worse as Zeina discovers that a full fledged war broke out near the city that her and her husband have just sent their son. Zeina flees to Lebanon to bring him into safety, only to find out that everything is destroyed and collapsing right before her eyes. On her journey through the destroyed country she meets a taxi driver, Tony who is