Propaganda played a significant role in the many events that lead to the Holocaust

Propaganda played a significant role in the many events that lead to the Holocaust. Hitler spread propaganda to make the Germans conjure the perception that it was Germany against the world, and that Germany was defenseless. While Hitler was not religious, his propaganda contained many religious elements and he seemed determined on portraying himself as if he were God. The symbol that represented Hitler’s Nazi party was a swastika, which bears resemblance to a broken cross. What’s more, while designing the main building of his rally in Nuremberg, he made plans to have the ceiling have a great glass window that shone a spotlight over the place he was to talk. The purpose of this was to form a somewhat “holy” glow around him so he could be perceived as a “god.” Due to the poverty-stricken economy resulting from World War I and the Versailles Treaty, Germany very impressionable to Hitler’s propaganda. Hitler and the Nazis guaranteed that they would create a better society as a whole and proposed that he was making it so that the people of Germany would become prosperous and that he was “cleaning out” the scum of German society.