
Author: Camille Rose T. Yamit
Course Number: Educ 101
Course Title: Research Methods
Professor: Dr. Agnes C. Sequiño

Working Title: Business Data Security Risks in Remote Working

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Part 1: What the study is about?
An organizational duty implemented outside of the normal work place or office refers to remote work, (Remote office work: changing work patterns in space and time, 1983) also called as telecommuting or telework. Someone who work at home or any place particularly outside a company’s organizational confines of space and time making it as their main place of work for at least a day in a particular time frame (Nickson and Siddons, 2004). Due to fast advancement in communication technology and access to the Internet, Remote Working has become an accepted practice in several companies, globally. Modern workforce has become progressively mobile, in this age, employees have come to expect to be granted freedom to work outside the standard workplace and not to be confined in that setting (Communication Technology and Inclusion Will Shape the Future of Remote Work, 2017).
According to Google the term Remote Work has been searched in the web worldwide from around scored in popularity from 25 to 75 since 2004 placing Philippines, as a country interested in remote working, in the 14th spot (Google Trends).
These means people, locally and internationally are being engaged in finding remote work. Due to the fact that it comes with several benefits such as freedom to work anytime and anywhere, employers and employees cost reduction from transportation costs, clothing costs and office equipments purchase and maintenance costs. Aside from that there is the increased working effiency since the employee doesn’t have to endure morning rush and traffic jams which is a waste of time. Overall remote working will help one to better take care of personal well being, spend quality time with family while being productive (The Main Advantages and Disadvantages of Remote Working 2017).

Meanwhile there are numerous disadvantages along with it too. Issues range from not being able to experience office perks and employee engagements, less social interactions which impaires team development. Since remote worker is not physically present in the office, there will be additional issues such as dehumnisation and loss of image of reliability (The Stress of Remote Working, 2018).
But the one disadvantage of remote working which is often overlooked yet most dangerous, at least for the company, is the risk of business data security from remote workers.

All business data must be considered sensitive and confidential information. According to the study conducted by InsightExpress, despite having preventive measures , tools and procedure there are still cases of data loss due to employees’ misbehaviour. The study included off site or remote workers, as per study 46% of employees admitted on engaging unsafe activities while working off site. Meanwhile one out four employees break security policies while on remote work, according to survey conducted by Imation in countries such as UK and Germany (Remote working puts business data at risk, study shows, 2014)

This information about data security risks from remote workers leads this study to find how data security risks preventive procedure have been implemented in an American company which newly released the “Work at Home Program” and develop strategies to reduce human error that poses risks in data loss while working off site.

Part 2 – What do other authors say about data security risks?

Data security risks range from data loss due to loss of equipment and sensitive document and data breach. Unthinkable effects may take place such as revenue loss, brand reputation damage to the company, loss of intellectual property some of these are company strategies, designs and buleprints which has huge impact on the business’ competitiveness. In addition to these effects are online vandalism which may take in any form to destroy company’s public image and lastly is the hidden costs (Data Security Breach: 5 Consequences for Your Business, 2018). Companies that were victimized by data breach are being fined by ICO, costs are projected to increase when GDPR took effect on May 2018. (The damaging after-effects of a data breach, 2018).

Due to the mentioned effects of data security loss and breach, companies implemented preventive actions. Some common security measures incorporated in procedures such as securty software installation these are anti-virus, anti-malware, firewall and web filters which must updated at all times . Next is protection of tangible properities mainly laptops, mobile devices, electronic storage devices and sensitive documents. One must secure these devices with strong passwords if applicable, in case of loss it will be an added layer of protection for data and information. Another security measure is that remote workers must also avoid connection to unprotected networks, however if it is enivitable to connect to public WIFi then at least set up a VPN. (What Remote Workers Need to Know About Data Breaches, 2018). Aside from these employees have been trained to to keep sensitive information out of sight to any non employee, how to report a lost or stolen company property and identifying emails frauds (Shred-it Study Exposes Employee Negligence as Top Information Security Risk to U.S. Businesses, 2018).

Part 3 – What are the gaps in knowledge with respect to the topic?

According to Imation survey, 2 out of 5 respondents that they or they knew someone who have lost devices such as laptops, electronic storage gadgets and moble devices which have sensitive business data, offsite. 75% of the respondents also admitted that do not follow security breach procedures when doing remote work. Upon examining the causes of such misbehaviours, they said that they lack concern and knowledge (The Main Advantages and Disadvantages of Remote Working 2017). The latter can be solved by trainings but in the matter of employee’s lack concern about data security poses major problems for the business.

Meanwhile the InsightExpress survey for remote workers, 46% of them admitted to be transferring files from site to home PCs. More than 75% of which do not use privacy protection softwares, these case is prevalent in Brazil and Asian countries such as China and India. Also if remote workers cannot connect to corporate networks, they just send business related emails to counterparts and customer using their personal email.

InsightExpress asked employees why they don’t have any concern whether business data have been put to risk with their actions, popular reasons for their non compliance to security measures is that they wanted to get back to the company which is 30% and they didn’t see anything wrong in not following security procedures 29%. Some of the respondents also admitted in altering their computer security settings in which 35% of them felt that it was not of anyone’s business. Meanwhile 52% just wanted to view unathorized websites and 35% that because no one will know and others are also doing it. (Data Leakage Worldwide: Common Risks and Mistakes Employees Make, 2014)

Part 4 – What do you plan to do with the gap of knowledge?

Assessment of the implementation of data security procedure in an American company located in Cebu, which newly established a “Work at Home” program and development of strategies in which remote employees can adhere in to, to prevent business data loss and breach, will be discussed later in the succeeding chapters.