according to perner 2010 an attitude is formed because of positive and negative personal experiences

according to perner 2010 an attitude is formed because of positive and negative personal experiences. it can also influenced by others opinion towards products. with this every products and services was filtered based on different factors. consumers attitude leads marketers to develop marketing strategies which will promote their products in the market. moreover it is important to understand why a consumer holds a particular attitude towards the prices. it is also important to know why a consumer holds a particular attitude towards the product and services. perner 2010 consumers perception is the progress of making decision. consumers make their own decision carefully yet it may take some time when it comes to product. it is a stimulus where a consumer makes a decision based on what they perceive. a consumer will recognized their own interest in matter of deciding on their own. individuals furthermore act and react on the basis of their perceptions not on the basis of objective reality. with this in mind schiffman et al 1991 it is important that marketers understand the whole notion of perception and its related concepts so that they can more readily determine what influences consumers to buy. the perception process is complicated due to the possibility that individuals may be stimulated below their level of conscious awareness known as subliminal perception ie they can perceive stimuli without being consciously aware of the stimuli in question. individuals also experience a certain amount of risk when making a purchasing decision and have a limited capacity to process the different stimuli directed at them. this leads to a selective perception process where individuals will expose themselves selectively to marketing stimuli pay selective attention to these stimuli and then interpret it to conform with previous held beliefs and attitudes. only messages conforming to held beliefs will be retained. the researchers conducted this research study to determine on how the consumers behave towards food price. in other words the researchers wanted to know why the consumers react towards the price of the food that they are buying and how will they deal with it. in any case the researchers wanted to know the reasons of the consumers with their intention to perceive the prices of the food. it is for this reason that the researchers will conduct a study on consumers attitude as well as their perception towards food prices that will aid the different food businesses to strategize on pricing. thus promote their product. the importance of this study aims to help the researchers to determine the different attitude and perception of consumers. it also determines the differences between attitude and perception of consumers. thus the problem of this study is that how does the students of saint marys university perceive the expensive and cheapness of the food. in this case the researchers have determined to interview some students in saint marys university about attitudes and perception towards food prices. as for the results the specific aim of this study were firstly to know how does the students of saint marys university behave on the prices of the food and why does their attitude is focused on the prices of the food. secondly is to know how the students of saint marys university will perceive the expensiveness and cheapness of the food. moreover the importance of this study in determining the students perception and attitude towards food price is because that researchers wanted to why the students of saint marys university behave towards the food prices and in any case it is also to understand the relationships of the students in perceiving the expensiveness and cheapness of the food.