What is learning

What is learning?
Learning is the achievement of knowledge or skills through study and experience. An ongoing change in human performance or possible performance that should occur as a result of the student’s experiences and communication with the world. Learning is the process of acquiring new information or changing current information, actions, skills, values or preferences. The ability to learn is in the hands of humans, animals and some machines, and there is also evidence of learning in some plants.
Some learning is immediate, encouraged by a single event, but many skills and knowledge are acquired from repeated experiences. Attempts to change learning often last a lifetime, and it is difficult to differentiate between learned material that seems lost and material that cannot be recovered. Learning implies continuous and active processes of investigation, involvement and participation in the world around us (Bransford, Brown and Cocking, 2000).
A powerful learning setting is defined by a decent balance between discovery and private exploration, on the one hand, and systematic education and guidance, on the opposite. All this must take place in an environment that takes into account individual differences in students’ abilities, needs and motivations (Schneider & Stern, 2010).
This development in learning changes both the main purpose of education and the way it is delivered. The education system has seen a shift from content-based to results-based programs, and schools have been strongly influenced by pedagogical concepts such as “visible learning” (Hattie 2009). A continuous process that already begins in the fetal stages of human beings takes place in many forms, including instinctive, experiential, conscious and specific learning. Personal experiences, formal education and controlled training are some of the general scenarios in which learning can be managed. Some types of learning, such as mother tongue skills, occur over time as part of the student’s daily social interactions. Sort of like martial arts training – they are consciously undertaken by students who are motivated for various reasons to learn a particular subject, discipline or skill.
Traditional learning
Traditional learning means that each student must work alone during explanation, discussion and application of concepts during class. Traditional learning, also called basic education, formal education or customary education, refers to deeply rooted customs that society has traditionally used in schools.
Some kinds of education make the student better for educational activities and focuses on individual students’ wishes and self-control. For reformers, the old teacher-centered strategies of memorization and commitment to memory should be abandoned in favor of learner-centered and task-based approaches to learning.
However, several folks and conservative parents are involved with the upkeep of objective instructional standards supported testing that favors an additional ancient approach historically, the main educational technique of traditional learning was simple oral recitation. In a typical approach, students sat quietly in their seats and listened one student after another recite their lesson, until each was called. The teacher’s main purpose is to listen lesson of students more attentively and students just cram and memorize homework.
An oral test or examination can be done at the end of a unit, and the process, which was called “placement test – study – recitation”, has been repeated. In addition to excessive emphasis on verbal responses, the use of memory memorization (effortless memorization to understand meaning) and disconnected and unrelated tasks was also an extremely inefficient use of students’ and teachers’ time. This ancient approach conjointly insisted that everyone students receive a similar material at a similar time; students who didn’t learn quickly enough unsuccessful, instead of being allowed to succeed at their natural speed. Beck Robert (1956).