The results of the Leadership Self-Assessment Quiz and Situational Leaders Quiz clearly shows that I possess a participating

The results of the Leadership Self-Assessment Quiz and Situational Leaders Quiz clearly shows that I possess a participating (facilitating) S3 when it comes to leadership style in situational leadership. As a leader in my previous workplaces and from the results of the quizzes I believe that the S3 leadership style perfectly links perfectly well within my concept of leadership. From my personal experiences I have been involved in situations where as a leader I had to emphasize more on relationship building and less on tasks because the followers showed more competency, had high skill sets but a less desirable amount of commitment.
As an individual I have always been a follower of relationship building among the team. I believe that I am doing reasonably good amount of work in it as it focuses more on a democratic approach where the sub-ordinates have more freedom, they are more involved in making decisions.
As per my perspective I think situational leadership is very useful in practice as the leaders can adjust their particular style accordingly on the basis of the skills and behaviours of their sub-ordinates. In this style the sub-ordinates are given encouragement, motivation from the leader so that the sub-ordinates can perform their duties which eventually helps in building morale among the team. The leaders are seen providing a more supportive and caring work environment which further leads to a rise in productivity in the organisation and also helps in employee retention as they feel valued and recognised.