The evidence does not wholly support this claim for various reasons

The evidence does not wholly support this claim for various reasons. While daycare does have implications for children and parents alike, many factors play into children’s attachment. According to Belsky, we must also consider the “Quality, type, timing and quantity of care” as well as the family as a whole and how they fit into society (Belsky, 2009, p 11). Bowlby’s attachment theory accounts for the level of sensitivity shown by the parent, but it does not account for demographic risk factors such as income, parental age, family size, marital relationships and other factors that affect a parent’s ability to nurture (Gervai, 2009).

Good daycares provide a consistent schedule and plenty of activities. These activities promote a child’s intellectual growth and development. Cognitive-boosting activities promote academic advancement. Daycare promotes interactions with other kids and adults. Going to daycare also prepares children for the more formal schooling environment of kindergarten (West, 2016).

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The New York Times conducted a study, as cited by Magher (2017) which found children in daycare for a year or more actually exhibit disruptive and aggressive behavior. Magher’s (2017) research also suggests that children in daycare are less socially competent, do not cooperate as well as others in groups, and have negative moods.

According to the Child Care Services Association (n.d.), a high-quality daycare safe environment for children, as well as, stimulating and nurturing. The teacher to child ratio should be low to promote one-on-one relationships. The staff will have higher education, and the director will experience, as well as education. The teacher turnover would be low. Ideally, the daycare center will be accredited and will have licensure that exceeds the minimum requirements. A high-quality daycare center will also have excellent hygienic practices.

I do not have children and have very little adult-experience with daycare, hence the number of resources I needed to write this. I, however, was a daycare kid and turned out quite well. The day my mother’s maternity leave ended, I was in daycare and spent the rest of my childhood in it. I always did well in school, but I am not sure I can credit daycare with that. I was also sometimes aggressive as a child, but only with my brother. Again, I cannot say that is due to being in daycare. Outside of daycare, I always had, and still have, a strong relationship with my mother. My attachment to my mother was secure, and that surfaces in my adult relationships. My attachment to my fiancĂ©e is also secure, comfortable and trusting. Both of these facts further support that my daycare-childhood did not negatively impact my attachment.