Participating in the student leaders summer program can be a great opportunity to develop my leadership skills

Participating in the student leaders summer program can be a great opportunity to develop my leadership skills ,discover new talents and become more conscious and aware of the issues we face nowadays.
In fact after participating in this program I will sacrifice much time and effort to the voluntary work and for my future is helping orphans who live in Tunisia I played and talked with the orphans
, distributed lunch to them. One thing I noticed about them is they need us to pay attention to them. If they hadn’t been gotten any attention from us , now perhaps they would be wandering along the streets in the dangerous world outside or they might have been pick-pockets, robbers, or drug addicts. With this in mind, those idea of helping orphans in Cambodia become one of my future goal to help my country starting from the child leading to adult with well-educated to the next generation in order to develop our countries.