Organizing campaigns and moral activities to public and to promote noble values is important among Malaysian

Organizing campaigns and moral activities to public and to promote noble values is important among Malaysian, but what is even more essential is to put into practice such values. The success of any courtesy campaign must start from schools where these values must be taught. Moral Education in schools should be reinforced to emphasize the importance of learning and practicing the noble values in schools. Moral Education in school should be reinforced to emphasize the importance of learning and practicing.
Its greater efforts by the government to plan to enhance social development based on noble values to strengthen human capabilities, and the role of the family institution in achieving a balanced society. success of Malaysia depended not only on economics, science and information communication technology but also on how we can build a society which is morally, spiritually and mentally strong and healthy. Our nation’s future depends on a strong and cohesive moral foundation. Also, it’s our parent’s responsibility too to practice of Malaysian values and the spirit being a good Malaysian. Concerned about the quality of family life and instill in their children’s basic moral values to build the foundation for a strong, stable and cohesive society.