On the other hand

On the other hand, the colonists had a population of only 2.5 million with about 20 percent being minority slaves. Without being recognized officially of anything but a British colony, there was no official military force. On the road to independence, local inexperienced men fought for their beliefs as soldiers. Small militias were also formed and groups of minutemen. In an attempt to match the Royal Navy, patriots formed a small and unreliable Continental Navy which was unable to compete with the British. Britain entered the war with a great economic advantage receiving funds from the King as well as resources from colonialized empires. It was evident who the odds were in favour of to declare victory, though history reveals the situation turned in many aspects of the colonial advantage and advancement.
The Colonials were able to win their independence back from the British for a number of reasons. They were truly fighting for a cause much greater then Britain’s simple desire to continue conquering lands. Many red coasts didn’t even know or care about what they were fighting for. For colonials, there was a clear desire, of independence, and the initiation of either a new great nation, or 13 states. Patriots were sick and tired of unjust taxes, while failing to receive any representation overseas, following the British monarchy and laws, and disagreeing with many of the Kings actions and decisions. America was a new land, offering a fresh start. There wasn’t much but Earth and the natives which would be pushed away. Due to the fact that there were 13 separate colonies, there was no headquarters that the British could strike that would be a significant blow. There was no White House, or certain area that could have taken that would be different than any other. The lack of organization and colonial government created tough decisions for British attacks.
It is accurate to explain that Americans never really had to win the war to declare, victory, rather just stay in it and not loose. This strategy would create Britain to face an expensive conflict on another continent, that would be ongoing rather than short and sweet as they wanted. The longer the Patriots stayed in it, they more British national finances were drained. The British even paid for 30, 000 Germans to join and assist. Continental Congress Commander George Washington was a young energetic guy, without much military experience. In the early years of the war he attempted to fight on aggressive instinct though suffered great losses. With each loss, there was a risk of losing the revolution and later being committed of treason against the crown. There were simply too many British soldiers outmanning the Patriots. British weapons and technology forced Americans to pursue stealth and swiftness in battle. Though there was no turning back at this point.
Early defeats made Washington realize that the survival of the revolution was linked to defense and survival of the Continental Army and Congress. His tactics revolved around small-scale battles and ambushes followed by retreat and regrouping. Patriots must stay intact and stay away from high risks of confronting British field battle. As the Americans stood ground and time went on, George Washington’s Continental Army either survived major battles or avoided them holding further conflict upon British commanders. America simply had to implement tactics and strategies of common sense to stay in it as Britain failed to capitalize on great opportunities. One Washington’s most significant victories in Trenton, 1776, was the result of sneaking across a river in the middle of the night and raiding the camp of some hung-over red coats. Defeats gained public support and encouragement. Again, Washington did what needed to be done and wasn’t much more talented or sophisticated than the inexperienced volunteers fighting with him. Without the end in sight, or British retreat, the Continental Army was infused with greater discipline and military experience.
To extend, the Colonists made use of various tactics and strategies that served to contribute greatly to win the Revolutionary War. Americans planned to always be ahead and prepare for offences. Tactics included creating blockades using resources such as trees. The use of simple and efficient resources allowed no significance to the lack of men and weapons. A technique used by patriots throughout the war was Guerilla warfare tactics which were built upon shock, hit and run, and unexpected attacks. Ironically, Americans adopted these tactics of the Native Americans they’d battled for years prior which were new to the British. Guerilla tactics managed to cripple many British forces even when lacking ammunition.
Now, the United States of America, America was divided between patriots, loyalists, and the undecided. It is said by John Adams that 1/3 of the population in America were loyalists. Loyalist were those who were loyal to Great Britain and did not pursue Independence. The British also failed to take advantage of the Loyalists living in the colonies. They could not fully trust them at this time and identify their true beliefs so this evaporated loyalist efforts of assistance and they relied simply on their own army. Back in Britain, there were also some who supported American independence and the government felt pressure from wasting money and resources.
Additionally, the geography of the 13 colonies made them almost impossible to occupy. Though the British had an incredible number of soldiers compared to the Patriots, it wasn’t enough to conquer the 330,000 square mile size of the 13 colonies. Though the British were able to maintain control of certain cities, they didn’t have enough men to control the areas of countryside where many patriots lived and would regroup to plan future efforts. Any dispersing of troops would take away from the effectiveness of mass attacks. With the land being home to the colonists, they retained the ability to be at their houses, and see their family, as the British were there alone, with no comfort of the area. Often time, they had no clue where to go with America being a new land. Americans knew and mastered their grounds. With the land being so vast and filled with forest, it was different than Europe and difficult to treck through. The weather proved to be one of the game changers of the revolution. Lives on both sides were lost as the deadly winter is unbearable. The British were unprepared for winter and never experienced such temperatures and snow. The winter brought upon Valley Forge, crucial to American Victory.
Valley Forge was the Continental Army’s winter encampment. It was a turning point in the war, even though it was disastrous upon losses of approximately 2,000 soldiers through cold, disease and malnutrition. Valley Forge came at the most crucial time with the war effort being dominated by British waves of victory. The success of patriots just about spiralled down to the lowest of lows following a series of costly and embarrassing defeats, poor enlistment numbers, and low support from the public and Congress. The leader Washington had few strikes left and needed something to build upon. During the greatest of fortunes, it provided a time of regrouping, reflection and training for the army. A Prussian officer, Baron von Steuben was an advisor to Washington and was present at Valley Forge. He gave the soldiers in-depth and intense training tactics, defences and use of weapons. Baron acted as a teacher educating and inspiring soldiers resulting in an improved performance at the Battle of Monmouth. The Patriot forces came from their Valley Forge retreat straightened, strengthened, unified, and hardened by the conditions.
The dagger of the British in the Revolutionary War was their greatest rival, and enemy. A rival about 3500 miles away from America. One who Britain has constantly encountered, and split victories with. On February 6, 1778, Benjamin Franklin signed a Treaty of Alliance between the 13 Colonies and France on behalf of Congress. France was angered by its humiliating defeats by Britain in the 7-year war and French-Indian war, and formally recognized the Patriots’ independence. They needed a way to gain their reputation back and take away from British supremacy. They supported the American colonies by sending them supplies, money, weapons, and soldiers. Specifically, a whopping 20 million dollars of aid was gifted. Furthermore, the French helped the economically poor colonies by purchasing and trading locally. The colonies could never defeat British soldiers and Navy with simply their own power. They only managed small victories and strategic defensive efforts. With the support of the French and their Navy, the Colonists now managed to not only defend themselves, but engage the British and find true victory and British losses In the English Channel and Atlantic coast. The French Navy halted British dominance in the Atlantic and along the coast. The Americans now had a real possibility of driving the British back home and furthered that with even more alliances. France encouraged the support of Spain and the Netherlands, who pledged support to the Patriots supplying more weapons and aid. Along with European nations, French alliances in America with native groups such as the Huron brought further assistance, weapons and technique. Britain was against more than one enemy now, and way more troops than before. They were forced to split red coats to battle against the different parties. The British now focused more on France, and considered them the primary enemy, undermining the strength patriots now had. Arguably most significant French contribution came during the battle of Yorktown said to be the battle that ended the war. French forces under leader Rochambeau landed in Rhode Island merging with the patriot army and marched about 700 miles to Lord General Cornwallis British army at Yorktown. As this was in progress, the French navy cut the British off of Naval supplies, reinforcements and evacuation of New York. Cornwallis was forced to surrender to Washington, as Britain obeyed peace discussions shortly after knowing the French were looking on. The British could not afford a global war and chose wisely to stand pat on the other riches around the world.