Nowadays virtual communication has been a key factor in the business organizations in the Philippines

Nowadays virtual communication has been a key factor in the business organizations in the Philippines. Basically, virtual communication is a type of communication where people interact or send important messages and information without meeting physically. According to studies virtual communication is one of the widely used medium in the business organization throughout the years. Social experiment has been developed that benefits business organizations.
According to William and Cothrel (2000) Businesses and organizations begun to experiment on how to harness the capabilities of virtual communication to change operation and services in business to have an improvement. Today, a variety of applications and services is upgrading to offer a better service, which only means that technology is uprising. This type of communication helps more businesses to gain more profit and be more efficient with sending information faster than the usual.
Virtual Communication indeed help businesses in coping up with the usage of technology today, it helps them to have more convenient and faster medium in communicating towards their customers and employees. Virtual Communication made it possible for the business organization to send emails, text, and other important information to its subordinates easily. Also, they could conduct virtual meetings through Skype and other application like WebEx, Fuze and UberConference. It enables them to be connected with one another without meeting physically.