Conventions ensure that the writing is easier to understand and make them feel comfortable

Conventions ensure that the writing is easier to understand and make them feel comfortable. It means that the reader can fluently read the information without having to stop and figure out what is being said. Having correct grammar, spelling and punctuation is important in a business environment as it shows professionalism. The use of conventions have to be adjusted depending on the audience and the reason you are communicating with them. This is important as spelling a word wrong can confuse the audience and they may not understand the information they have been given. It is useful to use words which you are comfortable with and can spell. If you aren’t then it would be useful to ask for help or use spell check. This way all information can be read clearly and effectively. Spelling a word wrong can also lead to consequences as it may be in a sentence which is important, but if it is spelt wrong then no action would be taken. This leading to consequences for you and the business.