2.1.1 Paper 1

Paper Title: The Social Relationship based Adaptive Multi-Spray-and-Wait Routing Algorithm for Disruption Tolerant Network.

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Author Detail: Jianfeng Guan, Qi Chu, Ilsun You

Publication: Hindawi (2017)

Description: Different from traditional routing which is based on end to end path from source to destination, DTN use store carry forward mechanism. In this paper proposed a social relationship based spray and wait routing to improve performance by considering buffer management and social parameters. In proposed schema timeout detection mechanism is used to solve blind spot problem and buffer management for reduce the overhead. As per its functionality social parameters is used for predict path. By comparison with traditional algorithms, it shows that proposed algorithm improve message delivery ratio, reduce the overhead and decrease the buffer time.

2.1.2 Paper 2

Paper Title: Bubble Rap: Social based forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks

Author Detail: Pan Hui, Jon Crocroft, Eiko Yoneki

Publication: IEEE (Nov-2011)

Description: In this paper introduced bubble rape: Social based forwarding in delay tolerant network, for designing this hybrid algorithm, centrality and community detection method called K-CLIQUE community detection is used. As per simulation result bubble is designed to work better with a hierarchical community structure. It improves the parameter no of message copies, no of hops, time to live, delivery ratio, delivery cost.
2.1.3 Paper 3

Paper Title: Give2Get: Forwarding in Social Mobile Wireless Network of Selfish Individuals.

Author Detail: Alessandro Mei, Julinda Stefa

Publication: International Conference on Distributed Computing System. (2010)

Description: In this paper present message forwarding schema in social mobile wireless network in assuming that all nodes in the network is selfish. Give to get forwarding consists three phases: Message generation, message relays and testing. Message generation executes when one node have message to send pass to some other node in the network. After message generated source node transfer the message to the nodes its meet. When the receiver node receive message and pass to the proof of sending to the sender.Affter the receiving proof every time node have to show the proof and node fails ,the proof of misbehaving is broadcast. Only when two proofs are collected by node, message can be discarded by node’s memory. Proposed algorithm good in terms of message delay, success rate and cost.

2.1.4 Paper 4

Paper Title: Distributed Community Detection in Delay Tolerant Networks

Author Detail: Pan Hui, Eiko Yoneki, Shu-Yan Chan, Jon Crow croft


Description: In this paper, proposed three distributed community detection algorithm with different level of computational complexity and resources requirements. The impact of the detected communities on the PSN forwarding efficiency band found it to be several times more cost effective than flooding or using randomly generated groups with same size and also discovered that the communities detected by the distributed algorithm can satisfactorily approximate the centralized algorithm which required the whole network topology.

2.1.5 Paper 5

Paper Title: Mobility based routing algorithm in delay tolerant network.

Author Detail: Marcin Kawecki, Radoslaw Olgierd Schoeneich

Publication: Springer (2016)

Description: This paper presents a routing algorithm based on the use of mobility of nodes in delay tolerant network.DTN are characterized by temporary or permanent lack of continuous path between the source and destination node. The communication is done by transferring the message by intermediate nodes based on store carry forward paradigm. Routing protocol is based on the ability to use information about node mobility and their contacts. Author assume that greater mobility of the nodes results in higher number of contacts with other nodes and higher probability in the message delivery to the destination. Proposed algorithm was simulated using one simulator.

2.1.6 Paper 6

Paper Title : Trust aware watchdog mechanism to detect selfish node in manet.

Author Detail: Resmi C, Sindhu S.

Publication: International journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (2016).

Description: In this paper, propose a new framework which uses a trust based schema and watchdog to detect selfish node. Also alert model is implemented in which node which are not ready to cooperate can send warning message to adjust nodes. Trust relationship must be set up between every pairs of nodes.

2.1.7 Paper 7

Paper Title : Detecting Selfish Nodes using a Collaborative Contact based watchdog.

Author Detail: Husna Taj, Kampe Shilpa

Publication: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research (2016).

Description: In this paper, detection selfish node using a collaborative contact based watchdog. Data transmission in the network is based on the behavior of node. If node can cooperative in nature than they send the packet but uncooperative nature of nodes degrades the performance of the network. For detecting selfish node COCOWA model is introduced which use markov chain model to evaluate detection time. This technique will reduce the time of detecting selfish node as well as reduce the effect of malicious node.

2.1.8 Paper 8

Paper Title: Skeleton Construction in Mobile Social Network: Algorithms and Applications.

Author Detail: Zongqing Lu, Xiao Sun, Yonggang Wen, Guohong Cao.

Publication: IEEE (2012)

Description: Proposed skeleton in mobile social network. Skeleton is mainly formed for predicting node contacts and managing the node. Skeleton is based on the social property of nodes like best friends, rank etc. Skeleton is tree structure which makes the communication more reliable. As per simulation result skeleton gives more efficient results than existing community based algorithm.

2.1.9 Paper 9

Paper Title: Improved collaborative watchdog system for detection of selfish node in Manet.

Author Detail: Momin Kashif M, Prof.V.S.Kadam.

Publication: International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (2015)

Description: In this proposed improved collaborative watchdog system for detecting selfish node in manet.Selfish node degrades the performance of the network by not taking part in the communication system for consume their resources. So it is very important to detect selfish node in the network and remove it from the system. In this paper proposed a method to detect the selfish node based on trust and reputation of every node. For reputation using Bayesian estimation .Baye’s theorem is as follows:
As per result, this schema is highly robust, efficient and improve performance of the mechanism.

2.1.10 Paper 10

Paper Title : Count on me:reliable broadcast and efficient routing in DTN through ss.

Author Detail: Alessandro Mei,Natascia Piroso,Julinda Stefa
Publication: ELSEVIER,2016
Description: In this paper, present COM, a reliable broadcasting mechanism for networks where nodes cannot use long-range communication to complete missing links. COM is based on the Social Skeleton, which is strongly connected graph based on social property of the network. Computed in an efficient and distributed way.COM exploits the Social Skeleton to guarantee reachability of 100% of nodes with the lowest number of long communications.