World War 1
Following the Internal Assessment via American Phsychological Association`s Guidelines
Soakai Vea
Tupou Tertiary Institute.
Author Note
Soakai Vea, Department of Business, Tupou Tertiary Institution.
This research was supported via the Sample Grant Program.
Correspondence according of this article should be addressed to Soakai Vea, Department of Business, Tupou Tertiary Institute, Fasi moe Afi.
Table of Contents
Abstract 3
Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines 4
Heading 1 4
Heading 2 4
Heading 3 4
References 4
Footnotes 4
Tables 4
Figures 4
This paper explores generosity that report on results from research conducted on the beginning of war and world war relationships and the relationship within countries. The explorer, however, vary in definitions and examines of war, with suggestion of interactions of nations and countries, defined and express as the “Total War” (TW) or the “War to End All Wars” in creating conflicts and intimacy. Other nations define First War differently and so offer different outcomes. This paper examines researches in relation with nation’s differences in other nations Act in order to fully understand how World War 1 influences the lives of nations as part of New Zealand.
Keywords: Total War.
World War 1
Numerous studies have been conducted on various facets of World War 1. Concentration on the level of conflicts, intimacy, colonization, civilians, destructive of enemies and geographic scales, and the use of militarism. However, as results are suggested in this research in terms of certain aspects of World War 1 to be investigated, for example, “militarism” is about the glorification of a particular nation military. Which certain countries had the exact or common militarism ideas and defines war as a glorious. This progress in an idea of arm-races which is concern of wanting the best armies and navies with the best weapons. Which this paper examines certain research to propose to adjustable research be informed to have an idea of understanding of World War 1 in New Zealanders lives.
Heading 1
World War 1 erupted in 1914. It had lots of nations involved but not entered at the exact same time. There were heaps of causes for the outbreak of World War 1 and had the worst competency of navies rivalry or naval rivalry between Britain and German for the fact of protecting its vast overseas empire. For the time being, Great Britain had the world’s most respected navy which however of being colonized, New Zealand and Australia takes part in action at World War 1.
When German began progressing in colonial, it started to construct a strong navy army. An upshot of this rivalry leads to war between the two nations. However, that’s one cause of World War 1, another one is imperialism which is about dominating of a particular nation of economic and political life as well as cultural of an another region. Economic growth was a huge difference and a big cause to the World War 1. This however, sums up in Germans having a fast economic growth than British. In 1900, German had a modern factory which produced British ancient factory in facts it has evidence to can oppose German for disagreements, with Imperialism it had separated European countries in certain years like in 1905, and again in 1911.
Competency for colonies brings German and France to the frame of war. This was also a cause for the outbreak of World War 1, and had many and other effects that cause World War 1. Concerning of economic conflicts, Government add taxes and borrowed large amount of money for cost of war. They segregate food and products, from footwear to petrol, and also hosted economic control through threatening for a strike and continue. Another form of World War 1 was “Propaganda War” which is about the Central Powers- German, Turkey, Austria, Hungary against the Allies- Great Britain, Italy, Russia, France, Japan, and later the United States of America.
Heading 21
There have been previous consequences of Worlds War 1, which determine whether it is a global war, or not. These factors were in terms Political which constructed the decaying and retreating of some nations in Central Power and Allies of German, and Russia also to the Austral Hungarian Empire. There was another empire, The Ottoman Empire, was one of the biggest empire in Europe unfortunately collapse in terms of “successor states” newly formed such as Hungary, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Yugoslavia. Afterwards, political changes occur and some social changes too, such as the role of women in the society.
The participant of women had during World War 1 been awesome, with that had being recognize as equal in society. The typecast identity that “a woman’s fortune is at home” has rehabilitated. Woman at wars, no longer stayed home and do household task, but they went out started to do all task which men should be doing but instead still out fighting in wars like the pioneer Margaret Cruickshank demonstration of “hard working” and” over worked” often describe being tired but still gets the stamina to do extra work. Mainly staffs that men should do are often working in manufacturing but often accountability by ladies of producing mobilization for men in battleground. After war, there were additional alterations with role plays by women’s in a society, which however allowed and agreed for female to ridge the army and set up an organization (WAAC) concerning of serving on the army which literally was not allowed in previous years.
Heading 3. In 1914, that was the first period of New Zealand to merged World War 1, the New Zealand Regime decided that it was a mature move to support its “mother nation” Great Britain. New Zealanders were delighted of being share of the British Empire, which it was the largest empire in the world had ever seen rivaling over heaps of prodigious prehistoric empires for as the Romans. New Zealanders felt proud in terms of British empire in facts mother nation always been there for supporting and protection of entities however taking it for granted it the moment for New Zealanders to express their tad in joining in battle alongside the mother nation Britain in war.
New Zealand amalgamated world war 1 concerning for their loyalty, their love for mother nation in terms having the necessity to defend Britain in World War 1, to express their willingness to battle, and concerning of their duty they assumed it was definitely legally precise for them to be participate of something huge and big as well as giving a hand for mother nation Britain, they assumes it would be a nice opportunity to develop New Zealand’s intercontinental status also presenting how loyal they are to defend mother nation in such risky decisions to be involved in World War 1 with other nation copious extra powerful.
New Zealand also sense of safety, in terms of powerful nations nearby, they assumes that the British empire would protect New Zealand at that moment of requisite, and it was essential for New Zealander’s in terms of population or its people was not quite that much to be compared to other powerful nation in facts not quite that plentiful on order to defend them.
Many New Zealander’s hinged World War 1 for a variation of diverse aspects, some needed to prove that they are fearless enough to battle in such intense level of hazard in battle, in likelihood of death, also some male recruited near World War 1 in decision of their colleagues stimulus or encourage them to do it, and some did not have the courage to façade it all along. Some male were extremely underprivileged, and needed coinage to stream for their family, offspring, wardrobes, bills, shelter and even a real job.
Some male assumed it would be a positive path to show their specific strength and prove that they weren’t scaredy-cats, they wanted to express tributes and battle and even perish for their nation, unfortunately get lucky and return alive it would express that they are the conscious male to be delighted of, that they would neither do whatsoever to martyr their people and their nation. Male were also lord density to joint world war 1 with fellow earl, if they neither insignia to be part of World War 1 they would be disdained upon by from humanity, they would be reflected as weaklings, not actually a person to be a part of the nation, like they were aren’t praiseworthy, if they would not put hands they would obtain as fraidy-cats which shows being a quitter, this was an aspects of gravity that influenced the decision of male or men into combat, which was a huge sway on figures shifting since they did not considered to be a quitter.
Also another purpose New Zealander’s lines World War 1 is in terms of advertisements being issued all over towns stating how really amusing to be involved and give hands in a new category of sport, in facts it pleaded New Zealander’s kinsmen to seam rebellious for their nation, and other factor is that men would obtain initial pay and bonuses for teenage boys from the government in facts of supporting their families. The primary source I will describe is:
This placard is from a New Zealand World War 1 recruiting picture, courteousness of the New Zealand Cenotaph, it is a recruitment poster in terms of anticipation to join and sign up for war in terms of how they are part of British Empire, in facts they are anticipated to lend a hand. A promise is a promise and that is what New Zealander’s had to retain, they are part of the Realm so it is isn’t their decision to take part in war or not, under Britain’s guard of defense, this is what they can do to protect them is to help out in combat.
Conclusion . In western German and eastern German, people learned to sing a hymn named “Hymn of Hate” against British. World War 1 did not have any positive results, which is why war is not a good thing. When World War 1 is over, approximately more than 8 million people died. Twice the figures were injured, and many were handicapped for life. Also starvation threatened many regions. The Demolition was made and even eviler in 1918 by a deadly epidemic of influenza. In just a few weeks going by, the flu flounced around the World; slaughter more than 20 million people. Which influence the life of New Zealander’s and the reshaping of New Zealand society at time which literally every year, you must have been heard an important aria ANZAC Day which we commemorate every year in terms of ancestors sacrifice made that influence you, us, everyone today. (Vea, Soakai)