The quote

The quote, “It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.” (Rowling, page 214) said by Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry. The quote is from the novel, Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone. Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone is the first book in the Harry Potter Book Series. In the book, an orphan named Harry Potter becomes a wizard and he comes across a magical mirror which shows his deepest desire. The mirror shows Harry beside his parents. Having lost his parents as an infant, Harry is susceptible to getting lost in the past, in what-ifs and what-might-have-been. Instead of living in the present moment, Harry feels drawn to sit on the hard floor in a cold room for hours, not moving, lost in the fantasy depicted in the mirror. He is at risk of choosing fantasy over reality and becoming addicted to his dream. Dumbledore warns Harry that the mirror “shows us nothing more or less than the deepest and most desperate desires of our hearts.” He also warns, “This mirror gives us neither knowledge nor truth. Men have wasted away in front of it, even gone mad.” He says he is going to move the mirror and asks Harry not to try to find it again, as it does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live. So, Dumbledore reminds us that focusing on your dreams too much can stop us from enjoying our lives and living our lives to its fullest.

Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone is the first book in the Harry Potter Series. The book is about a young boy named Harry Potter who lives with his non-magic-related relatives as a powerful, evil wizard named Lord Voldemort killed his parents, James and Lily. Lily, Harry’s mother sacrificed her life to protect her child from Voldemort. Voldemort had no motivation to kill Lily and was even willing to spare her life. This selfless act of love created a protective charm around Harry. After murdering James and Lily, Voldemort was already in a weakened state and when his killing curse backfired due to the protective charm, a part of his soul detached itself from Voldemort and got latched onto Harry. Voldemort lost his powers and became a spirit until he found his body back. The soul that got latched onto Harry left a scar on Harry’s forehead, and since he didn’t die, he was known as the boy who lived. As he grows up, he does not know about his magical heritage and on his 11th birthday, he finds out about his magical heritage as he starts developing magical abilities. Then, he gets accepted to a wizarding school named, Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry. He quickly becomes friends with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley and they soon come face to face with Lord Voldemort. Lord Voldemort tries to steal the sorcerer’s stone and return to power but in the end, Harry and his friends manage to defeat Lord Voldemort. So at the moment, Harry and his friends are safe.

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In the book, Dumbledore says the quote, “It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.”. Dumbledore is a fictional character in the Harry Potter Series. He is the headmaster at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry, the greatest wizard of all time, and one of the wisest men ever invented. In the story, Dumbledore finds Harry looking in a mirror that shows our deepest desires, the Mirror of Erised. The mirror shows Harry with his parents. Having lost his parents as an infant, Harry is susceptible to getting lost in the past, in what-ifs and what-might-have-been. Instead of living in the present moment, Harry feels drawn to sit on the hard floor in a cold room for hours, not moving, lost in the fantasy depicted in the mirror. He is at risk of choosing fantasy over reality and becoming addicted to his dream. Dumbledore warns Harry that the mirror “shows us nothing more or less than the deepest and most desperate desires of our hearts.” He also warns, “This mirror gives us neither knowledge nor truth. Men have wasted away in front of it, even gone mad.” He says he is going to move the mirror and asks Harry not to try to find it again. If Harry was to go back to the mirror, he would be wasting his time. His parents are dead and there is no way to change that. Going back to the mirror will not change anything, all does is distract us from living our lives in the present moment. Dumbledore reminds us that having dreams is important, but focusing on your dreams too much can hinder life every day. We are meant to enjoy life to the fullest every day! Do not let your dreams for the future suffocate your life in the present.

The quote, “It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.”, said by Dumbledore. To me, the quotes mean that we should not choose fantasy over reality. You may become addicted to the dream, always thinking about it and not living your life. If you keep thinking about something that is too hard to get, you miss living in the current moment. So basically you should live your life and stop thinking about the things that can’t be fixed, and just focus on the present. Don’t think about the things we really want but can’t have, what we want to change but can’t, what happened in the past or what might happen in the future. It stops us from living our lives, and I should know. A week ago, I spilled all of my food on the floor. It was an accident and you wouldn’t think much of it but it was a big deal for me. When I was little, I used to throw my food away in the garbage. I honestly don’t know why I did that. I remember that I would not have time to finish my food as I am a slow eater, but there was no reason to throw it away. As I grew older, I realized it is not a good thing to do so. A lot of people in the world are poor and don’t have enough money to have food. Every time I think about throwing food away, I would always feel bad. I really regret throwing my food away. I was able to forgive myself, but I never forgot. From the day I realized what I did was wrong, I was committed to not wasting a lot of food. When I spilled my food, all of the memories went back. I started cleaning up, and you would expect me to throw all the food away. However, I actually ate it. As I said, I am committed to not wasting a lot of food. Disgusting but I didn’t want to waste food. Poor people around the world eat food from the floor so they don’t die from starvation and I now know how they feel. After, I started crying afterward as I remembered what I did when I was little. I cried as I am a disgrace. Why in the world would I think it is good to throw food away? Even though I ate the spilled food, I still wasted a lot of food that was left on the floor. After a while, I felt better but then life did not want me to feel better. I spilled my water from my water bottle. I cleaned it up and started crying again as I am a failure and can’t even do anything right. Later that day, I realized that I am a very sensitive person as I have cried so many times and I started thinking about how I should have done something to stop myself from spilling my food. Anyways, my story of what happened to me a week ago relates to the quote. After everything that happened, I realized that it is not right to always think about what happened. There is no use in thinking about what happened when you can’t change it. The quote says that you should live your life, and stop thinking about your dreams, and for me, I realized that I should just live my life, and stop thinking about what I could have done to stop myself from spilling my food. I can’t change the fact that I spilled my food, and there is no point in dwelling about it, as it is going to get me nowhere. I should just move on and live my life, as the quote says.

In my opinion, other people should hear this quote as it has a deep and meaningful message. It is a reminder to not dwell on something that is too hard to get but to just focus on the living your life. Sometimes, people keep thinking about the what ifs when they should focus on the current moment. I think that it is important people live their lives to its fullest. You never know what can happen until you try. You can do so many things in life, and instead of dwelling on dreams. You are missing out on life as dwelling on your dreams causes prevention from living life. All you think of every day is about your dreams when you could be doing something you have never done before. Travel the world, watch all the movies you have been wanting watch and read all of the books you have been wanting read, make something from scratch, conquer a fear, learn a new language, eat something you wouldn’t usually eat, and more. You can do so much instead of constantly thinking about your deepest desires. Just like Dumbledore, I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to dream. However, it is not good to dwell on the something you can’t change, it is better to just live your life. Don’t get lost in the what-ifs and might-have-been, you will be stuck in the imaginary world. We are meant to enjoy life to the fullest every day, and not dwell on dreams which stops us from living our lives. So in the end, I think other people should hear this quote as I believe people should live their lives to its fullest. Dwelling on dreams prevents us from enjoying life. There is no point in dwelling, it is best to just live and enjoy life. Other people should hear this quote, as they should do as it says. Life is too short to dwell on your dreams, so just live your life to its fullest.

The photo that I have taken to represent the quote has a picture of a drawing of a so-called dream world. It shows our deepest desires, what we want, and of courses, our dreams. Beside it is a photo of me as a toddler, representing my childhood. The drawing and photo show the dreams and deepest desires. They represent the dreams that can’t be changed. Also, the background is floor tiles which were taken at home, representing reality. The hand shows the dwelling as it wants to think about the dreams, and so it is a photo of someone, which in this case is me, who is not focusing on the present moment. I am therefore getting lost in the dreams, and thinking about the what-ifs and what-might-have-been. Instead of living my life, I am constantly thinking about my dreams and deepest desires. I am going out of reality and into an imaginary world.

My photo relates to the quote as it shows what not to do. The photo shows the hand getting lost in the dreams, and thinking about the what-ifs and what-might-have-been. Instead of living and enjoying life, my hand is constantly thinking about their dreams and deepest desires. I am going out of reality and into an imaginary world. The tiles represent reality as it was taken at home, and the drawing and photo represent the imaginary world. The photo shows the dwelling of dreams and not focusing on living in reality.

In conclusion, the quote, “It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.” (Rowling, page 214) said by Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster at Hogwarts. The quote is from the novel, Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone. In the book, an orphan named Harry Potter becomes a wizard and he comes across a magical mirror which shows his deepest desire. The mirror shows Harry beside his parents. Harry gets lost in the past, thinking about the what-ifs and what-might-have-been. Instead of living in the present moment, Harry feels drawn to sit on the hard floor in a cold room for hours, not moving, lost in the fantasy depicted in the mirror. He is at risk of choosing fantasy over reality and becoming addicted to his dream. So, Dumbledore reminds us that focusing on your dreams too much can stop us from enjoying our lives and living our lives to its fullest. Dwelling on our dreams is not going to get us anywhere. Therefore it is better to live life and not dwell on dreams. You should ‘not dwell on dreams’, meaning you should not think about what is wanted but can’t have, and the what ifs of the past or future that can’t be changed. ‘And don’t forget to live’, meaning you should live your life and stop dwelling. Live life as it is, and don’t dwell on what can’t change. Life is too short to dwell on your dreams and deepest desires, you are missing out on life. Live life, do something you have never done before. Just make sure you enjoy and have a fun life. l