The New World brought new adventures, vigor, and hope into the lives of the colonists who dared to make the journey across the Atlantic Ocean. The Chesapeake and New England colonies were among the most successful European ventures in the New World. However, they differed in their methods of survival, religious toleration, type of government, and their reliance on England based on the intentions set by their founders.
The first English expedition left in 1585 for the New World. Sir Walter Raleigh was given a royal charter to colonize the land south of the Spanish . This first colony was unsuccessful and did not last through the Virginia weather. This prepared the colonists for their next expeditions to the Chesapeake and to New England.
In 1606, James I granted a royal charter to the Virginia Company of London to try and recolonize the Chesapeake area. They landed off the James River and named their colony Jamestown. The colonists did not expect to be doing manual labor and thought they would rely strictly on Native American labor. This was not the case. They almost died off due to their lack of attention and intention to grow crops. The Powhatan’s were gracious in the beginning giving them corn, however their gratuity did not last long. The only way the colonists survived was by learning from their Native American neighbors and leaving during the winter to avoid starvation, disease, and death. After the winter, they returned and began to crow tobacco, which stabilized their economy and became a lucrative trading item.
The New England colonies were settled by 24 families who came over on the Mayflower in 1620. These colonists worked together to create a stable farming town. They were required as a part of their charter to send lumber, furs, and fish back to England for seven years. They relied on that relationship to survive. Prosperous farmers would sell their surpluses of corn to the Abenaki Indians for furs creating a stable economy of their own .
The Chesapeake colonies varied in their religious toleration. Virginia, being the first colony of England to succeed, required they follow the Church of England. Colonists were fined or required to work if they did not attend services. Maryland was charted by Lord Baltimore who intended for it be a refuge for English Catholics. However, only two percent were Catholics. Maryland was primarily a Protestant colony. The New England colonies were mostly inhabited by Puritans escaping for religious freedom from England. N