The death penalty is a tough topic to talk about as many people support it

The death penalty is a tough topic to talk about as many people support it, however many people also think it’s a crime against humanity. With 2 articles, one supporting the death penalty and the other against it, I found out why this conflict will always stand and there will be no actual right answer to it.

A gallup poll from May 2014 found that 61 percent of Americans view the death penalty as morally acceptable, and only 30 percent disagree, a split across America. Investigators used a variety of samples and statistics to demonstrate a strong link between executions and reduced murder rates. One study from Emory University in 2003 shows that in more than 3000 counties, from 1997 through 1996, it was found that each execution, on average resulted in 18 fewer murders per county. In another study, Paul Zimmerman, demonstrated that each state execution reduces an average of 14 murders every year. These are strong statistics that show the death penalty does infact save lives.

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Many citizens don’t think the death penalty helps at all. They think that since it is permanent, it makes it risky for people being put on death row when there is a possibility that they could be innocent. There are many cases where people were proven innocent post-humansly. 40 percent of all Americans think that many innocent people are executed frequently. Furthermore, many think its a waste of money, because of how expensive it is. The truth is that it costs about 250 million dollars per prisoner . Others think it just doesn’t work as being a scare tactic as there are penalties just as bad as the death penalty. For example, life in prison or more then 50 years behind bars.

From this conflict, that has been going on for years and for many more to come, we learn about ourselves, and in culture, that there will always be a group of people that opposes gun laws. We fail to see another as a human just because we do not support the same things. We as humans must come together to make things fair so both sides are happy.