t tInternationaltInstitutetoftBusinesstStudies t Bangalore tProjecttResearcht tDecliningtSalestoftDaburtIndiatLtd t t tNamettArurendratSingh tRegtNott161RCMD003 tSemestert4th tMBAt

t tInternationaltInstitutetoftBusinesstStudies t Bangalore tProjecttResearcht tDecliningtSalestoftDaburtIndiatLtd t t tNamettArurendratSingh tRegtNott161RCMD003 tSemestert4th tMBAt(BangaloretUniversity) tDeclarationtbytStudent ThististtotidentifytthattthetentitledtreporttontDecliningtSalestoftDaburtIndiatLtdthastbeentcarriedtouttfortthetpartialtfulfillmenttoftthetcoursetProjecttworktbytmetattInternationaltinstitutetoftbusinesststudiest(IIBS)tundertthetguidancetoftDr.tRajatSulochana.tALt-tProfessor,tInternationaltInstitutetoftBusinesstStudies,tBangalore. ItherebytdeclaretthattthistreportttrulytrepresentstmytstudytundertakentastatparttoftmytProjecttWork.tThiststudytistnottatreplicationtoftworktpreviouslytdonetbytanytothertperson,tinstitute,tuniversity.tItalsotconfirmtthattthetcontentstoftthetreporttandtthetviewstcontainedtthereinthavetbeentdiscussedtandtdeliberatedtwithtthetFacultytGuidetcompanytguide. ItfurthertdeclaretthattthetresulttoftthistworkthavetnottbeentsubmittedttotanytothertUniversity/institutetfortthetawardtoftanytdegreetortdiploma. tDatet17/05/t2018tNametArurendratSinght tPlacetIIBS-tBangaloretuniversitytReg.tNot161RCMD003t t t tCertificatetoftoriginality Thististtotcertify,tthattthetentitledtprojecttworktontDecliningtSalestoftDaburtIndiatLtdtthastbeentcarriedtouttbytthetcandidatetastatresearchtscholartundertsupervisiontandtguidancetoftIIBS-internationaltinstitutetoftbusinesststudiesttminetandtthattthetcandidatethastfulfilledtthetrequirementtoftprojecttworktlaidtdowntfortthetdegreetoftMBAtoftthetexaminationtoftBangaloretUniversity.tThisthastnottbeentsubmittedttotanytuniversity,tinstitutetortcollegetfortanytreward. tDrt.tRajatSulochana.AL tProfessortandtresearchtGuide tIIBS-tInternationaltInstitutetoftBusinesstStudies tBangalore tAcknowledgement Ittistindeedtatgreattpleasuretwhentwetseetthattourtdreamstaretgiventatrighttdirection.tSotItthankttotthetsupportivetpowertwhotguidedtmetthroughouttthetways,twhichthadtatlotstofthardshipttotovercome. ItthankttotKuldeeptSharmatsincerely,tHeadtoftthetDepartmenttoftMastertoftBusinesstAdministrationt(MBA),tDrt.tRajatSulochana.ALt,tourtProjecttGuidetforttheirtencouragementtandtefficienttguidancettotmaketthistefforttsuccessful. ItamtverytthankfulttotDr.tRajatSulochana.AL,twhotofferedtvaluabletopportunitytfortentiretperiodtoftProject.tItamtverytmuchtthankfulttotothertstaffstforthelpingtandtsupplyingtinformationtonteverytoccasion. Itamtverytthankfulttotmytparentstandtfriendstforttheirtcontinuedtsupporttandtencouragement. AbovetalltItpraisetthetLord,tthetAlmighty,tforthethastshowntintthetgracetandtfavortandtledtmetthroughtthetgreenertpasturestduringtmytprojecttworktandttotfinishtthistintatsuccessfultwaytItwouldtlikettotexpresstmytsinceretgratitudettotBangaloretUniversitytfortgivingtmetthistopportunityttotdotmytprojecttandtthankfulttotentiretmemberstotthetorganizationtfortthetconstanttsupporttandtencouragementtthroughouttmytstudy. tNametArurendratSingh tReg.tNot161RCMD003 t Chapter- One tIntroduction INCLUDEPICTURE https//tse1.mm.bing.net/thidOIP.6DSjWl65w_xbhpn__cK9wgHaGnpid15.1P0w195h175 MERGEFORMATINET IntFMCGtcompaniestDaburtIndiatLtdtistonetoftthetleadingtcompany.tItstrevenuetovertRst7680tcroretandtthetmarkettcapitalizationtovert48800tCrore.tIttistbuildingtqualitytlegacytandtexperiencetoft133tyears.tDaburthastbecometmostttrustedtnametintIndia,tAyurvedictandtnaturalthealthtCaretittistworldstlargesttcompany. DaburtIndia,tworldtleadertwithtportfoliotoft250therbaltproducttintAyurveda.tThetFMCGtportfoliotoftDaburttodaytincludestfivetbrandstwithtthetidentitiestoftdistincttbrandtthetmastertbrandtDaburtfortthetproducttoftnaturalthealthtcaret,tfortpremiumtpersonaltcaretVatika,tdigestivetHajmolatrealtfruittjuicetandtbeveragesttfairnesstbleachestandtskintcaretproduct. ThetkeytconsumertcategorytoftDaburttoday-tOraltcare,thairtcare,tHealthtcare,thometcaretandtskintcare.tDaburthastnetworktoftwidetdistributiontandthastcoveredt6tmilliontretailtoutletstwiththightpenetrationtintthetbothtruraltmarkettandturbantmarkets. ThetpresencetoftDaburtproducttistalsottheretintoverseastmarketstandtittistoperatedtint120tcountriestacrosstthetworld.tIntthetmiddleteasttthetbrandstarethighlytpopular,tSAARCtcountries,tAfrica,tEurope,tUStandtRussia.tThetrevenuetintoverseastoftDaburttodaytistovert30toftthettotaltturnover. ThetBurmantfamilytpromotedtAyurvedictcompanytoft132tyears.tEstablishedtint1884tastthetcompanytoftAyurvedictmedicines.tIttstartedtitstoperatingtfromtCalcutta.tIttistonetoftthetbiggesttIndiantownedtconsumertgoodstcompanytwiththerbaltandtnaturaltproducttintthetworld.tDaburthasttransformedtfromtfamilytruntbusinessttotenterprisetsuccessfully. Septembert16,t1975tDaburtIndiatLtdtincorporatedtfortthetmanufacturingtofthightgradetedibletandtguargumtpowdertandtInt1978tHajmolatwastlaunchedtbytthetcompanytfortthetaidtoftdigestives.tDaburtresearchtfoundationtwastsettint1979.tThetcompanytwastconvertedtintotpublictlimitedtcompanytint1986tandtpharmaceuticaltmedicinetwastlaunchedtintthetyeartoft1988. INCLUDEPICTURE https//sp.yimg.com/ib/thidOIP.mS4VDeM2jXpMaudEaaPVmwAAAApid15.1rs1c1qlt95w203h103 MERGEFORMATINET Ayurvedictdigestivetformulationtconvertedtintotfuntproducttoftchildrentintthetyeart1989tlaunchingtHajmolatcandy.tThetnewtrangetoftcoconuttoiltwastlaunchedtundertthetnametoftDaburtint1992.tAnititcancertdrugtwastdevelopedtbytthetnametoftTaxol.tThetcompanytfortjointtventuretagreementtGuldenhorsttbytNetherlandtfortthetpurposetoftmanufacturingtandtmarketingtfortalltshortstoftbubblegum,ttoffees,tspreadingtcreamstandtchocolatest. Int1994tcompanytexistedtintcapitaltmarkettwithtpublictissuestandtoncologytduringtthetyeartastwell,tthetcompanytturnedtintthetfieldtoftfoodtbusinesstbytlaunchingtrealtfruittjuice,tatnewtunittoftmanufacturingtwastsettupttotproducetwelltknowntproducttliketJanmatGhutti,tChyawanprash,toilstandtAsvatArishtas.t t Int1998tthetcompanytwasthandedtovertbytthetBurmantfamilyttotthetprofessionals.tthetcompanytmovedtfortantagreementtwithtSpanishtpartnertAgrolimenttotoffloadttheirt49tstaketfortjointtventuretcompanyttGeneraltDetConfiteriatIndiatLtdtfortthetfavortoftAgrolimentgrouptcompany. Thetcompanytlaunchedtintthetyeartoft2000tEfarelletcomforttfortwomentmenstrualtpaintrelievertandtplain tisabgolthusktundertthetnametoftnaturetcare. Thetcompanytint2001tjumpedtthethighlytspecializedtareatoftcancerttherapytfortthettreatmenttoftcancert patienttthroughtwhichtcompanytfacedtmanytupstandtdowns. FromtthetFMCGtbusinesstintotseparatetcompanytint2003tdemergedttheirtpharmaceuticaltbusinesstastplantprovidertgreatertfocusttotbothtthetbusiness.tThetcompanytincludestFMCGtproducttbusinesstwhichtincludesthealthcare,tpersonaltcaretandtAyurvedictspecialties.tThetpharmaceuticaltbusinesstincludestoncologytformulation,tAllopathictandtbulktpurchase. Int2005tthetcompanytcametwithtbalasarastHygienetproductstbusiness,tatprovidertofthousetholdtandtoraltcaretproducttconsideringt143tcroretintthetIndiantmarkettalltcashtdeal.tInt2006tBestatcosmeticstLtdtwastmergedtwithtthetcompanytandtalsotincorporatedtastatsubsidiarytcompany.t Thetcompanytacquiredt20toftthetequitytsharetint2009-10toftFemtCaretPharmatLtdtfromtthetpublictsharetholderst.tthetcompanytincludedtTurkeytpersonaltcaretproducttmakertHobitKosmetiktGrouptbytDaburtinternationaltLtdtwhilet2010-11. HYPERLINK http//www.daburuveda.com www.daburuveda.com INCLUDEPICTURE https//sp.yimg.com/ib/thidOIP.uOj5BaiqLEDMoyhD8xRZZgHaFBpid15.1rs1c1qlt95w161h109 MERGEFORMATINET Int2011tfirsttonlinetshoppingtwastlaunchedtbytthetcompanyt HYPERLINK http//www.daburuveda.com www.daburuveda.comtwithtthistthetcompanytbecametthetfirsttIndiantFMCGtcompanytoftonlinetsaletoftbeautytproducttrange.tThetportaltistfortthetconsumerttotknow,tunderstandtandttotpurchasetatwidetrangetoftskincaretandtbeautytproduct.t Int2012tintBraziltNamastetcosmeticostLtdtwastannouncedtnewtsteptsubsidiarytcompanytandtthetwidetrangetoftfruittjuicetwastexpandedtbytthetcompany. Intthetyeart2013tthetcompanytenteredtYoghurttDrinktMarkettundertthetbrandtnametoftRealtActiv.tThetcompanytexpandedtandtlaunchedtSkintcaretportfoliotandtOxytLifetGeltbleach.tAtnewtrangetoftfruittjuicetwastlaunchedtbytthetcompany-tRealtSupaFruits.tDaburtlaunchedtintthetyeart2013tfirsttoralthealthtportal. Intthetyeart2014tfirsttmedicaltoftAyurvedictJournaltwastlaunchedtbytDabur.tThetcompanytalsotexistedtintcoconuttwatertmarkettundertthetbrandtnametoftRealtActiv. Daburtannouncedtont12tOctt2015tfortenteringtintthetcategorytoftJasminethairtoiltbytlaunchingtnontstickytcoconutthairtoilt.tThetproducttwastdevelopedtundertextensivetresearcht.tThistnontstickytcoconutthairtoiltprovidestnourishmenttforthair. Daburtmadetantannouncementtont24tFebt2016tthattitthastmadetatlicensetagreementtwithtthetGovttoftIndiattotproducetcommerciallyttwotnewtAyurvedictdrug-tAyusht64tfortMalariattreatmenttandtAyusht82tfortDiabetestmanagement.tMemorandumtoftUnderstandingtwastsignedtbytDaburtintAyurvedictsciencetwithtCentraltCounciltoftResearch. DaburtAnnouncetont7tFebt2017tpuretplaytbeautytretailtventuretlaunchingtSritLankastbrandtSpicetIslandtintIndia,tThetmarkstoftentrytSpicetIslandtoftIndia,texclusivelytwilltbetavailabletacrosstthetcountry,tittwilltbetfeaturetatrangetoftBathtBodytcare,tSkintcaretandtHairtcaretproduct. Ont14tMarcht2017,tDaburtIndiatLtdtmadetantannouncementtoftlaunchingtfirsttMobiletHoneyttestingtlabtintIndia.tThistlabthastbeentdesignedtforttestingtrawthoneyttotreducetadulterationtinthoneytandttotmaintaintitstpurity. Ont29tMarcht2017,tDaburtIndiatLtdtmadetantannouncementtoftcommissioningtintTezpur,tAsamtnewtmanufacturingtfacility.tThetfacilitytoftmanufacturingtistlocatedtintthetindustrialtareatoftBilaspur.tThistindustrialtmanufacturingtfacilitytwilltmanufacturetentiretrangetoftAyurvedictmedicinetoftDaburtIndiatLtd. Ont26tSept2017tforttakingtitstproducttgloballytDaburtIndiatLtdtannouncedttotalliancetwithtAmazon. ThetcollaborationtwithtAmazonttotincreasetandtexpandtitstproducttintotthetUStmarkets.tAmazontwilltbethelpingttottaketaroundt30tproducttoftDaburtfromtitstpopulartrangetsuchtas-Redttoothpaste,tVatikatHairtOil,tMeswakttoothpastetandtchyawanprashtect. ThroughtsellingtProgramtoftAmazontgloballytwilltprovidetDaburtantavenuettottaketvasttrangetoftitstproduct.tAftertAyurvedictandtnaturaltproductttotmilliontconsumertontAmazontglobally. t t Chapter – Two Company profile Dabur india Ltd is dealing with health care and personal care product . in FMCG company it has become fourth largest company in India with turnover of 1899.65 crores. Dabur has 1.5 million outlets and more than 5000 distributor. Dabur has been divided in two major units. 1-Consumer health 2-Consumer care Dabur India Ltd has 3 subsidiary company- 1-Dabur Nepal 2-Dabur Foods 3-Dabur international has been divided into Asian Consumer care in Bangladesh and African Consumer care in Nigeria Egypth Dabur is exporting in six 6 Major country across the border of India- 1-U.K 2-Bangladesh 3-Nepal 4-Egypth 5-Dubai 6-Nigeria Dabur is having its representative and office in the countries like USA, Europe and Africa. Dabur india Ltd is exporting Pharmaceutical product in Asia Europe and Africa and it is also exporting herbal product in many European countries. Dabur has established its marketing more than 50 countries across the world. 13 modern manufacturing units of Dabur India Ltd 1-Rajasthan 2-Himachal Pradesh 3-West Bengal 4-Uttar Pradesh 5-Madhya Pradesh 6-Uttaranchal 7-Jammu Kashmir 8-Nepal 9-Silvassa Dabur Brand 1-Hajmola 2-Anmol 3-Vatika 4-Dabur Chywanprash 5-Dabur Amla 6-Dabur Read toothpaste Net income Operating income Total revenue Sales turnover-5,369.85( 2017) Net sales 529o.65( 2017) Corporate Address – Dabur India Limited Kaushambi Ghaziabad 201010 Uttar Pradesh, india Phone- 91(0120) 3982000 91(0120) 3001000 History of Dabur India Ltd INCLUDEPICTURE https//image.slidesharecdn.com/daburppt-121002064902-phpapp01/95/dabur-ppt-1-728.jpgcb1349160882 MERGEFORMATINET 1896- established 1st production unit 1919- established first RD unit 1900- Dabur started producing nature based product and the formulation was totally based on nature 1930- Dabur took initiative in the manufacturing Ayurvedic product 1936- Incorporated Dabur Private Limited 1940- Dabur launched personal care product Dabur Amla Hair Oil that became largest selling product. 1949- First Chywanprash of india was launched by the name of Dabur Chywanprash 1957- Initiated computerized operation 1970- Entered by segmenting rural market of india in the field of Digestive and oral care 1972-Shifted from Kolkata to Delhi 1975-For edible in industrial guargum powder the company incorporate by the name Vishal Chemical India Ltd. 1978- The company launched Dabur Hajmola Digestive pill as an Ayurvedic medicine used for digestive issues. 1984- Completed 100 years 1988- Launched Pharmaceutical medicine based on Ayurvedic formulation 1989- Dabur launched Hajmola Candy as fun product of children based on Ayurvedic formulation 1992- The company launched in the category of hair oils a new range of coconut oil under the brand name of Anmol and Taxol medicine was developed for the treatment of Cancer. 1995- The company exported Chywanprash and version liquid Chywanprash in existing product and also exported hair vitalizer. 1996- Dabur launched anticough medicine Madhuvani 1997- for the purpose of producing the brand product like Janma Ghutti, chywanprasha and oils the company with the high degree of automation sets manufacturing unit in Baddi (Himachal Pradesh). 1998- Dabur launched low sodium cooking salt on 9th January by the name Nutrasalt. sDabur India Ltd launched many products of Ayurvedic range for dogs. 1999- the company made an agreement to offload 49 stake with its Spanish partner in the joint venture company De Confiteria India limited in the favor of Agrolimen group company. 2001- Proposed to increase number of director in the company to enhance the quality of strong brand management. Dabur india Ltd made an announcement of making Ninu Khanna continuous CEO of the company by the next board meeting. 2002- Dabur India Ltd announced that the CEO and Board of Director Ninu Khannas resigning letter has been accepted by the company. The company announced that Mr.Sunil Duggal will be next CEO of Dabur India Ltd on 2nd july . 2003- Dabur India Ltd the fourth largest company for the purpose of executing online marketing tied up with free market inc. in the year 2003 a diabetes pill was launched by Dabur India Ltd. 2004- Dabur India was nominated by Tetra Pak Award Egypthian hair oil brand was acquired by Dabur India Ltd 2005 Dabur india Ltd signed Sonu Nigam to promote cough drops 2006- Dabur India Ltd was nominated for Prestigious national Award. Dabur India Ltd appointed Mr. Narang the Chairman of PTL 2007- Dabur India Ltd issued bonus share in the ration of 12 in this year Dabur India decided to merge with its own company Dabur Food Ltd to unlock the efficiency of its operation for the purpose of capturing market share in food industry . Dabur decided to invest 140 crore in the retail market of India by 2010 with the chain of health and beauty product. 2008- Dabur India Ltd acquired Fem Care Pharma. 2009-Dr Ajat Dua was appointed Additional director of the company in the category of independent and non executive Director. In the year 2009 Dabur India Ltd launched Odomos a personal care cream lotion from the protectionofMosquitoes. In the same year company launched Dabur Red toothpaste in the category of oral care product . 2010- Dabur India Ltd announced for acquiring a company of personal care product Hobi Kozetik Group. In the same year Dabur acquired Namaste for 0 Million. 2012- Dabur India expanded the range of fruit juices in the category of fruit juice. The company announced Mr. Lalit Malik as chief Financial officer. 2013- this is the first company in the list of MCX-Sx Dabur entered in the market of Yoghurt drink by the brand name of Real Active Dabur launched Oxy Life Gel Bleach and expanded skin care portfolio Dabur India launched first oral care portal in India Dabur proposed to enter in the market of male grooming Dabur spread awareness in the kids more than 8,000 schools 2014- the company launched first medical journal Dabur launched Anmol Coconut hair oil First medical Ayurvedic journal was launched by Dabur India The company announced interim dividend of 125 Dabur entered in the market under the brand name of Real Active in packaged coconut water 2015 Dabur launched sugarfree chywanprash based on Ayurvedic formulation Dabur launched facial cream as beauty care product for women – Dabur India Ltd made agreement with Starcom MediaVest Group 2016 Dabur launched baby care brand an Ayurvedic product Company launched aerated drink based fruit juice African Cosmetic firm merged with Dabur India Ltd 2017 Dabur entered in the market of E-Commerce and tied up With Amazon for the purpose of product distribution all around the world. tMissionttVisiontoftDaburtIndiatLtd INCLUDEPICTURE https//tse2.mm.bing.net/thidOIP.Y1dpG9mHtpkWUqxccGiDyAHaDLpid15.1P0w402h173 MERGEFORMATINET bur hhhhhhhHAHHHSQHQHSH tMissionttVisiontoftDaburtIndiatLtd Vision tDedicationtforthealthttbeingtwelltforteverythousehold,, tPrinciples WinningtPassion Intthetareatoftresponsibilitytwetaretleaderstwithtthetcommitmenttoftdeliveringtgoodtresult.tWetaretdeterminedtwhattmatterstmostttotbetthetbest. Ownership Beingtourtcompanytwetaretresponsibletandtaccountabletfortmeetingtthetbusinesstneeds. Focustoftconsumert Thetsuperiortunderstandingtoftconsumertneedstandtdevelopingtproductttotservetbetter. PeopletDevelopmentt Consumertaretourtmosttimportanttasset.tWetaretaddingtvaluetbytresulttdriventtraining.tWetaretencouragingtandtrewardingtexcellence. TeamtWork Ontthetprincipletofttransparencyttandtmutualttrusttwetaretworkingttogethertintatboundaryttlesstorganizationtistworkingtliketus.tintadvocatingtthetproposaltwetaretintellectuallythonesttincludingtalltrecognizingtrisks. Innovationt Innovatingtourtproducttandtprocesstcontinuouslytistthetbasictoftourtsuccess. Integrity Ourtcommitmentttotachievetthetbusinesstsuccessfullytwithtintegrity.tOurthonestytwithtourtconsumertandtbusinesstpartnertistmosttvaluabletasset. tMission TotbecometatleadingtResearchtOrganizationtthroughtleadershiptandtqualitytservicetintIndia,tpartnershiptintservicetintdrugtdevelopment. Whiletmaintainingtglobaltqualitytservicetbringingtadvantagettotourtclient. Addressingtourtsocialtresponsibilitytdevelopingtintatwidetrangetofttherapeutictareattacceleratingtdrugtdiscoverytthroughtourtservicetandtpartnership. TotbetthetfirsttchoicetcontracttresearchtorganizationtthroughtcomprehensivetservicestintthetdevelopmenttvaluetchaintandtinnovativetsolutiontintIndia.t Product profile Of Dabur India Ltd INCLUDEPICTURE http//media2.intoday.in/btmt/images/stories/dabur_505_042914034954_072814092354.jpg MERGEFORMATINET Health supplements- digestives-1-Hajmola Imli2-Dabur Hajmola Candy3-Dabur Hajmola regular4-Dabur Nature care5-Dabur Pudin Hara 6-Dabur Pudin Hara Lemom Fizz7-Hajmola Mint Masti Candy Health supplements 1-Dabur chyawanprash sugarfree2-Dabur chyawanprash3-Dabur chyawanprash mixed fruit 4-Dabur chyawanprash orange5-Dabur chyawanprash mango6-Dabur Honey6-Dabur Glucose DMemory enchancer1-Dabur Shankha Pushpi 2- Medicated oils3-Dabur Badam Oil Personal care-hair oil 1-Dabur Almond2-Dabur Vatika 3-Dabur Amla Baby care 1-Dabur lal tail 2- Dabur Janma Ghunti 3-Dabur Gripe waterPersoanl care – hair oil – shampo1-vatika smmooth and shine2-vatika black shine3-Vatika aniti dandruff shampoo Personal care – oral care1-Dabur lal dant manjan2-Dabur red toothpaste3-Dabur meswak 4-Dabur babool mint fresh gel5-Dabur promise6-Dabur babool7-Dabur babool neem8-Peronal care – skin care 7-Foods1-realactiveburrst2-capsico 3- Lemoneez Fem range- 1-Dabur uveda range2-Dabur gulabari Consumer Health Ethical1-Dabur Madhuvaani2-rehumatil3-broncorld4-lipistat5-Dabur Madhuvaani6-menslaMore Product By Dabur1-Dabur amla lite 2-Dabur amla flower magic3-Dabur sarson oil4-Dabur gulabari moisturising cold cream 5-Dabur total protect health shampo6-Dabur Mustard oil7-Dabur vatika coconut oil 8-Dabur vaitika Almond oil 9-Dabur gulabari moisturising cold cream . 10-Dabur vatika styling hair gel 11-Dabur speical Homecare 1-Dabur odomos spray 2-Dabur odomos gel 3-Dabur odomos 4-Dabur odonil nature 5-Dabur odonil 6-odopic 7-sanifresh Competitors of Dabur India Ltd Company Price Market cap (cr) Dabur India 375.00 66,057.02 1.00 Ador Multi 38.80 11.11 0.00 Boston Bio 16.75 11.75 -4.99 Colgate 1223.41 33,274.73 4.09 Bajaj Corp 449. 29 66,27.19 -1.79 Emani 1031.21 23,404.91 -0.80 HUL 1604.11 347,212.07 2.22 Godreg Ind 566.36 19,044.82 -2.24 Gillette India 6,538.35 21,305.35 -0.12 Patanjali INCLUDEPICTURE https//www.marketing91.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/59.jpg MERGEFORMATINET Marketing Strategy HYPERLINK https//www.marketing91.com/swot-analysis-patanjali/ Patanjal iis 10 years old companyandhas become the fastest rising company in India as per CLSA HYPERLINK https//www.marketing91.com/marketing-mix-of-hsbc/ HSBCdata. Acharya Balkrishna and yoga guru Baba Ramdev founded in the year 2006 it has emerged as a well-known FMCG player in the market with a huge number of HYPERLINK https//www.marketing91.com/types-of-products/ productsand reflective assortments. Its developed units are to be found in Haridwar and outside India i.e. Nepal under the brand of Nepal Gramudyog. It is principally in the business of natural resources and herbal product Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev, the advertiser of the herbal products produced by Patanjali is the vital advantage that Patanjali has more other FMCG company in India. Having more than 400 products with differing SKUs made up of herbal and natural components are helping the company to offer bundled products to the customers. Patanjalis objective of the business is to provide cost-effective products, superior quality products which are the crucial factor in the success of any FMCG company. Low or no advertising and promotion expenses are helping the company by keeping its prices low and make it affordable without compromising on quality. Competitive analysis in the Marketing strategy of Patanjali Being present in different products segments and having 4 different sub-brands has helped the company in having a high share of wallet of the customers. Distribution is one of the critical instruments in the success of the FMCG players in a country like India and Patanjali through its own retail outlets and partneredchannel of distribution has made the products available to its customers in most of the locations in India. In the FMCG market, it competes with players such as HYPERLINK https//www.marketing91.com/swot-analysis-of-hindustan-unilever/ HUL, HYPERLINK https//www.marketing91.com/marketing-strategy-dabur/ Dabur, HYPERLINK https//www.marketing91.com/marketing-mix-godrej/ Godrej, P G and many others. Patanjali Brand equity in theMarketing strategy Baba Ramdev is the face of thepromotions of the Patanjali products and he is helping the HYPERLINK https//www.marketing91.com/what-is-a-brand/ brandin maintaining high top of mind awareness. Also, the products application and profit are such that it is helping the brand to be a household name in India causative products for a kitchen to home care. SWOT analysis of Patanjali Strength Baba Ram dev a Brand name Advantage of E-Commerce Strong distribution channel Well known Brand Brand Image Yoga followers Government support Weakness Lack of manufacturing units Dependency on Ram Dev low export no long term penetration Packaging Restriction over distributors Opportunity In large domestic market Focus in rural area To increase customer purchasing power In export Going globally Threats Increasing competition Competition from local product Pricing War Affect of poor reap over business Dabur vs Patanjali INCLUDEPICTURE https//sp.yimg.com/ib/thidOIP.REvpl4Iaa6nYmIL1kJ0XwwHaEIpid15.1rs1c1qlt95w186h103 MERGEFORMATINET Sunil Duggal CEO of Dabur in ndia Ltd said that PatanjLI Honey hitting Dabur because there is huge difference in their prices . Dabur Honey price is 40 higher than Patanjali Honey. The customer are returning towards Dabur but its really very tough to bring the section of financially challenged people back, they may not come. Dabur is required to deal with that . Sunil Duggal has said that we can not have all the product for every customer. Being the price higher customer of Dabur are shifting towards Patanjali . Dabur is on the way of maintaining brand image and has reduced the price of Dabur honey for play dominant role in the category of honey. By reducing price Dabur started maintaining huge gap between Dabur honey and Patanjali honey for the purpose of shifting customer from other category of honey towards Dabur honey. not only Dabur but also for Emani, Himalaya, HUL and Pg Patanjali has become intense competition. Not only in the category of honey even in toothpaste patanjali is impacting the sales . the compititon has increased due to the existence of Patanjali , Ayurvedic brand product. INCLUDEPICTURE http//blog.getfitso.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/PicsArt_03-08-03.18.53-1024×1024.jpg MERGEFORMATINET Duggal said the category of Chywanprash has also been impacted by Patanjali , Dabur as the market leader of chywanprash 65 is facing throat cur competition by Patanjali because it started mass marketing from last year with very much lower price. Duggal said this is not very big problem it can be resolved . Dabur narrowed down the price of Chywanprash to establish dominating market share of winter and for the other seasons Dabur started promoting their product actively. The big challenge for us that Yog Guru Baba Ramdev has built unique image in the public mind and vast population of india are following him from very long time. This helps to promote their brands and to win the trust of customer . Dabur is planning to convert none user in customer with Patanjali . By promotional and marketing activity and reducing the price of their product dabur is planning to compete and to play dominant role in the category of chywanprash in winters. 2- HUL ( Hindustan Unilever limited) INCLUDEPICTURE http//insideiim.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Hindustan-Unilever-insideiim.jpg MERGEFORMATINET Type-Public limited company Industry- consumer goods CEO- Sanjeev Mehta Headquarter-India(Mumbai) Founded in- 1933 Revenue-34,487 crore (2016-17) Net income- 4,490 crore (2016-17) Operating income-6,047 crore( 2016-17) Hindustan Unilever is an Indian FMCG company of consumer goods company stated in Mumbai . HUL is Public Limited Company and industry of consumer goods. It was founded in 1933 85 years ago by Liver brothers. Sanjeev Mehta is CEO. The revenue of Hindustan Unilever encountered Rs 34,487 crore (U. 3 million ) during 2016-17 and more than 18,000 employees are working there . Hindustan Unilever Brand and product Home care- 1-Cif cream cleaner 2-Active wheel detergent 3-Comfort fabric softener 4-Domex toilet cleaner 5-Sun light detergent 6-Rin detergent 6-Vim dishwash Food- 1-Bru coffee 2-Annaourna salt 3-Lipton tea 4-Kishan juice and jam 5-Knorr soup Personl Care- 1-Axe deodorant 2-Clinic plus shampoo oil 3-Close up toothpaste 4-Denim shaving cream 5-Breeze soap 6-Indulekha Ayurvedic oil 7-Dove soap 8-Life boy 9-Ponds talcs 11-Sunshilk shampoo 12-TRESemme Shampoo Awards HUL( Hindustan Unilever) was awarded in 2014 the 1 highest ranked FMCG Indian company on the list of Forbs it was recognized the Most Innovative Companies crossways the world . In the Indias list of most accepted companies ranked three in FMCG company. by Dun Bradstreet Corporate Awards 2014 it was recognized as top FMCG Indian company. One of the most innovative company in 2012 Golden Peacock Health and Safety award in july 2012 Silver award for creating consumer value may 2012 Spikes Asia Award in sep 2012 HUL SWOT Analysis Strength Strong brand name Strong distribution network Corporate social responsibility High skilled manpower Weakness Strong existence of competitors High cost for advertisement Low export Decrease in market share Opportunity Expansion in rural markets Brand awareness in rural customers Diversification Increasing the level of income Threat Intense competition at market place Buying power of the customer Existence of low brand product Loosing the market share Dabur India Ltd vs HUL(Hindustan Unilever Limited) 1-What of employees are recommending the company Dabur- 40 HUL-44 2- What of employees are not recommending the company Dabur-30 HUL 19 3- What of employees are having mixed feeling for company Dabur -29 HUL -35 4- What is the rating on work life balance Dabur -3.4 HUL- 3.6 5- what is the rating on company culture Dabur- 3.5 HUL -3.9 6- what is the rating on salary basis Dabur -3.7 HUL- 3.8 7- what is the rating on career growth Dabur- 3.4 HUL- 3.6 8- what is overall rating for the company Dabur -3.5 HUL- 3.7 9- What of employees are see eye to eye as per market standard about salary Dabur- 68 HUL -66 Emani India INCLUDEPICTURE http//www.thehindubusinessline.com/multimedia/dynamic/02425/BL28_EMAMI_1281173_2425195f.jpg MERGEFORMATINET Emani limited company is one of the fastest growing company in india of personal care and health care .The engagement of the company in the marketing of personal care and health care product and that product are bases on Ayurvedic . there are 30 brand under the name of Emani .in the category of product the company has health care product , skin care , lotions and soaps ,and skin creams. There are 425,000 retail outlets and 2800 distributors .the company 1500 sub distributors in india. Emani incorporation took place in the year of 1983 0n 11 March. Emani is giving throat cut competition to all Indian FMCG company like Dabur India Ltd, HUL, Patanjali, Himalaya and PG. Emani fast moving public concerned company. The headquarter of Emani is in Kolkata india. It was established in the year of 1974 and the Founder of Emani is R.S Agrawal. This company is targeting middle class portion of the society. Middle class is the potential customer of the company. Emani has spread out in 60 countries in the world. The creation of marketing strategy is unique . the companys marketing policy is depend on celebrity and company is using brand name like Amitab Bacchan, Sonakshi Sinnah, Sahrukh Khan and Hritik Roshan etc. the advertisement of the company is done on TV channel like Sart Plus, Zee Cinema, Colors TV etc. Dabur vs Himani INCLUDEPICTURE http//d3oi2nue850v1c.cloudfront.net/media/uploads/p/l/255611_1-dabur-chyawanprash-awaleha.jpg MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE http//g01.s.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1xu6JJVXXXXaNXXXXq6xXFXXXc/Sona-Chandi-Baby-Massage-Oil.jpg_350x350.jpg MERGEFORMATINET Plaintiff the manufacturer of Chywanprash had 63 of total market share of Chyanprash in India. The engagement of Defendant was in manufacturing various Ayurvedic formulation including Chywanprash. Manufacturing of Sona Chandi Chywanprash had taken place under the name of Himani. A new product Himani Sona Chandi Chywanprash was introduced by defendant. SWOT analysis of Emani Strength Brand image Loyal customer Innovative technology Skilled manpower Weakness Strong existence of competitors High cost for advertisement Low export Opportunity In large domestic market Focus in rural area To increase customer purchasing power In export Threat Loosing the market share Existence of unbranded product Intense competition at market place Buying power of the customer Comparison of Dabur and Emani 1-What of employees are recommending for the company Dabur- 39 Emani- 32 2- What of employees are not recommending for the company Dabur-30 Emani-41 3-What of people having mixed feeling Dabur-29 Emani-24 4-What is the rating on salary basis Dabur3.7 Emani-3.2 5-over all rating of the company Dabur-3.5 Emani- 3.3 6-What is the rating of the company on work life balance Dabur-3.4 Emani-3.5 7-What is the rating of the employees over career growth Dabur-3.4 Emani-3.0 8-What of people are agreed about salary as per market standard Dabur3.7 Emani 3.2 Colgate INCLUDEPICTURE https//tse3.mm.bing.net/thidOIP.8VfgPpWhwC0ZR2_NSizWSAHaEKpid15.1P0w334h189 MERGEFORMATINET Industry- consumer goods Founded in- 1806 Area worldwide CEO Chairman- Ian M Cook Headquarter- Park Avenue New York Net income- U2.024 billion (2017) Operating income- U3.589 billion(2017) Revenue U15.454 billion (2017) Number of employees- 35,900(2017) Colgate Palmolive is an American company operating with the its customer worldwide. The market of colgate concerned with urban area and this is the product of all house hold more than half. The target customer of colgate ids middle income group . in Indian economy it place fourth and giving throat cut competition to every FMCG companies. By acquiring strong brand strategy colgate is capturing vast sigh of Indian markets in the category of oral care. For the purpose of making strong brand identity colgate is restructuring its branding strategy. Colgate is strong market competitor in FMCG industry not only Dabur it has been tough competitor for HUL,Babool and Anchor. Market share of Dabur, Colgate and HUL(toothpaste) INCLUDEPICTURE http//www.blog.sanasecurities.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Colgate-Market-Share.png MERGEFORMATINET By the survey of 2015 colgate has acquired 56.7 market where Dabur13.5, HUL21.55 and other has acquired 8.3. By the graph we can see intense competition among these company in oral care. Not only for Dabur but for HUL and others it is giving throat cut competition. From 2009-10 colgate acquired market share and increased 52.3 to 53.4 and decreased 0.9 in 2011. From the year 2011 -2014 kept on increasing by2,1.4 and in 2014 1.2. the market sigh of colgate shifted 57.1 to 56.7 from 2014-15 by o.4 decrease. By studying the graph we can seen a vast population of customer in the category of toothpaste are more loyal to Colgate in comparison of HUL, Dabur and others. SWOT analysis of Colgate Strength Brand name Big market share Loyal customer Skilled worker Sufficient manufacturing units Strong distribution channel Innovative marketing strategy Weakness Strong existence of competitors High cost for advertisement Controlling cost Limitation of brand in the category of different product Opportunity In large domestic market Focus in rural area To increase customer purchasing power In export Threat Loosing the market share Existence of unbranded product Intense competition at market place Buying power of the customer INCLUDEPICTURE http//4.bp.blogspot.com/-tgCmhFa39a0/T04q67HcfpI/AAAAAAAABW0/UADVEhTMX1k/s1600/P2526GSlogan.bmp MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE http//news.pg.com/sites/pg.newshq.businesswire.com/files/logo/image/PGPhaseLogo.jpg MERGEFORMATINET Procter Gamble an American company situated in Cincinati, Ohio is manufacturing a vast range of consumer goods PG is having two subsidiary company in india PG Home Product Ltd and PG Hygiene and health care. The turnover of PG Hygiene and health care Ltd is near about 500 crores in India and this is recognized in fastest growing company india . this company having famous brand in its portfolio like Whisper pad as girls periods precautions and vicks for cold. PG established its relationship in the year of 1951. It entered in Indian market by establishing first branch in the year 1964. An industrial license was given by the government of india a public limited company named Richardson Hindustan Limited for the purpose of manufacturing menthol and peppermint oil and product of vicks range. Product like- Vicks Action 500, Vicks VipoRup and Vicks Cough drops. The laboratory of Ayurvedic Research was set up by RHL for the purpose of addressing Caugh and Cold the common ailments of people.In the year 1985 RHL affiliated with an American company and after affiliation it was known by its new name Procter Gamble. This company is giving intense competition to all FMCG company in india like HUL, Dabur and Patanjali, this company has strong brand value and this company is targeting middle section of population on the basis of financial condition. The strong marketing strategy and the loyal customer is asset of the company. SWOT analysis of PG Strength Strong brand image Strong distribution across the world Skilled manpower Innovative technology Sufficient manufacturing units Weakness Limitation of diversification High marketing and manufacturing cost Existence of similar product Changing trend Opportunity In large domestic market Focus in rural area To increase customer purchasing power In export Threat Loosing the market share Existence of unbranded product Intense competition at market place Buying power of the customer Market share of Dabur India Ltd In Shampoo industry HUL is market leader by the survey of 2016 with 46 of market share more than 6 times greater than Dabur India Ltd PG is also strong competitor of Dabur India Ltd by the survey of 2016 has covered 24market share. Cavin care has 18 market share giving throat cut competition to Dabur, PG and others as well. Dabur India Ltd In the industry of shampoo facing strong competition from PG, HUL, Cavin Kare and others . it has only 7 market share in the industry of shampoo by the survey of 2016. INCLUDEPICTURE https//image.slidesharecdn.com/fmcg-november-2016-161209094610/95/fmcg-sector-reports-november2016-19-638.jpgcb1491978855 MERGEFORMATINET In the category of Hair oil Brand Marico is market leader with market share of 30 where Dabur has 19 of market share by the survey of 2016 and other Has 51 market share HUL has captured 47 market share and PG has 27 market share by the survey of 2016 in the category of Shampoo. In the category of oral care Brand Colgate is market leader with market share of54.9 , Dabur has 14 and HUL with 30 market share by the survey of 2016. by the survey of 2016 HUL is market leader with market share of 54 , Godreg has 3 and CavinKare with 12 market share in the category of Skincare. In the category of Fruit juice Brand Dabur India Ltd is market leader with market share of 60 where Pepsico has 30 of market share by the survey of 2016 and other Has 10 market share. INCLUDEPICTURE https//1.bp.blogspot.com/–lTlgaN7uwc/V7tDgbtOLbI/AAAAAAAAAZU/-a1WEtL51G8HtGVuxIheHGHRwlUR8NI9gCEw/s1600/Dabur2BFMCG2BSements.png MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE https//1.bp.blogspot.com/-UMxsetMknck/V7tDWadEwLI/AAAAAAAAAYs/rsmj5cQM2TcF4hZBJ8u5xDgnuOHxibDMQCLcB/s1600/Dabur2BBlog2B2.png MERGEFORMATINET us Award received by Dabur India Ltd INCLUDEPICTURE https//1.bp.blogspot.com/-frkadhvIn7c/WhdyOK5Hp_I/AAAAAAAA1HQ/IyjVvpLOLnU3sVp3A32uFlr5GldraOv_ACLcBGAs/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/Dabur-Red-Paste-Presents-Nickelodeon-Kids-Choice-Awards-India-2017-Powered-By-Jolly-Rancher-Logo-Nick-KCA.jpg MERGEFORMATINET Dabur Hajmola, Dabur toothpaste most trusted brand in 2016 Dabur india received Silver Award for Odomos campaign 3- Dabur received Award of Best IndianBrand in 2016 4–Dabur India Limited was honoured by Zee media Family Business Legacy Award 5-Dabur India Ltd received the Award of Best Risk management Practice by CNBC TV18 in the category of FMCG 6-Dabur India Received Star Asia Award for Ratanprash 7-Dabur india got 39th rank in BT500 ranking of Indias Most Valuable Companies in 2016 8-Dabur India Ltd Received Most Trusted Health Care Brand Award in 2016 9-Dabur India Ltd ranked 26 in the the list of best Indian Brand in 2016 10-Dabur received Iconic Brand of India 2017 Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) CSR Policy of Dabur India Ltd Dabur india Ltd is inspiring the world by its CSR policy . The founder od Dabur India said, life is nothing without creating value in the life of customer. While operating our business its our responsibility to take care the health wealth of the customers. Dabur is not operating for the purpose of generating return for shareholders but also for minimizing the impact over environment. Proper utilization of natural resources and to gift for the upcoming generation is our first priority . Vision- Through sustainable measures it is contributing in the development of social and economic environment. We are operating in the participation of community for the purpose of creating value for the Nation. Mission- Develop the economical condition of the community and to give good and healthy future ahead so that they could full fill the needs of the life in future. Mission is to give maximum production in minimum utilization of natural resources , to prevent the environment by planting trees and wastage of water fuel etc. Activities- The activity of our CSR policy states with mission vision and also relates with the natural responsibility and the need of the communities. 1-Eradication of hunger, poverty and malnutrition- provision for food, clothes and health supplement for poor and deprived section of the society. Delivering health nutrition in different centers of anganbadi Provision for food and shelter for homeless Promoting and making available safe drinking water Promoting health care- Dabur india is running health care program and making aware people of India in over all country. Dabur also provides the poor section of the society medicine treatment facility. Environment sustainability and ecological balance Plantation in school, colleges and in other area Promoting agro forestry Protection of trees and plants Reviving endangered plants Conservation of natural resources Adopting waste and cultive plants Promotion of energy resources Employment and livelihood By giving proper training creating the value in term of employment and livelihood for the poor section of society globally Education promotion- Promotion of education l programes Educational support for the poor section of the society Support from infrastructure like benches, desk, stationary and food etc Supporting children for higher education Promoting empowering women and gender equality- Homes for orphans and women Old age home for senior citizens Promoting sports providing facility in sports n rural area Implementation approach We are try to implement the activity of corporate social responsibility policy to the maximum level possible . the CSR policy will be continued by our foundation SUNDESH, Supported by Dabur and Dr. Burman Charitable trust. We are trying to work with other players at the same time. Collaboration with registered organization under the Act 2013 Prime Minister Relief Fund Socio Economic Development and relief Contribution to the various fund aligned with mission vision SWOT analysis of Dabur India Strength Brand image Strong marketing policy Innovative technology Skilled manpower Weakness Strong existence of competitors High cost for advertisement Low export Opportunity In large domestic market Focus in rural area To increase customer purchasing power In export Threat Loosing the market share Existence of unbranded product Intense competition at market place Buying power of the customer Chapter 3 Research Design tLiteraturetReview Sampletliteraturetreviewtfortthetproposaltoftresearcht Structurettthetliteraturetreviewstpresentstthetareatoftresearchtfromtwheretthetdatat(positivetandtnegative)thastbeentcollected.tThetresearchttopictistDecliningtSalestoftDaburtIndiatLtd Researchtquestion-tDecliningtSalestoftDaburtIndiatL IntFMCGtcompaniestDaburtIndiatLtdtistonetoftthetleadingtcompany.tItstrevenuetovertRst7680tcroretandtthetmarkettcapitalizationtovert48800tCrore.tIttistbuildingtqualitytlegacytandtexperiencetoft133tyears.tDaburthastbecometmostttrustedtnametintIndia,tAyurvedictandtnaturalthealthtCaretittistworldstlargesttcompany. ThetresearchthastbeentconductedtintBangaloret(India)tandtalltpossibletaretbeingtgiventtotthistresearchttotfindtouttthetpossibletsolutionttotthetissue.twhenevertwetaretfacingtthistkindtoftproblemtandtlookingtfortthetsolutiontwetshouldtfocustontthetothertcompaniestwhotaretcompetingtintthetmarket.tIftwetmaketanytchangetintthetsystemtoftproducttandtservicestfeedbacktfromtthettargetedtcustomertistnecessary. Thetmanagerstguidettotcompetitivetmarketingtstrategyt(Nortontpaley) Understandingtconsumertdecisiontmakingt(Thomas,tJerry) Forecastingtandtmarkettanalysisttechniquest(JohntSynder,tGeorge) ts tStatementtoftthetProblem ThetissuetwhichthavettakentplacetintDaburtIndiatLtdtistdecliningtsales. DuettotthetdecreasetintrevenuestthetcompetitorstarettakingtcompetitivetadvantagettotcovertthetMcDonaldstcustomers. Throughtthetqualitativetandtappliedtresearchtthetissuetoftfalltintitstrevenuetcantbetsolved. Throughtinterviewtandtdiscussiontwithtthettargetedtcustomertthetfeedbacktwilltbettakentandtthetcompanytwilltworktontit. tNeedtfortthetStudy/Relevance Thetneedtoftthetstudytisttotanalyze,tidentifytthetissuetandttotfindtthetrelevanttsuggestionstregardingtthetissuetwhichthavettakentplace,ttotbetreadyttottackletthetcircumstancestwhichtcouldtoccurtintfuture.tThetstudytisttotidentifytthetDecliningtSalestoftDaburtIndiatLtdtandtcausestbehindtdecliningtsalest,tandthowttotincreasetthetsalestandttotprovidetpropertsuggestions. Thetstudytisttotrecognizetthetpatterntoftproduction,tandtdeliverytintcustomertservicestandttotidentifytthetpossibletsolutionttotmaximizetthetsalestandtfortthetbettermenttoftcustomertservice.t t tObjectivetoftthetStudy thetobjectivetoftthetstudytistotidentifytthetissue/problemtandtfindingtreasonstbehind.tAstDabur ltd is facing problemtoftdeclininsales,tthetresearchthasttakentplacettotidentifytthetreasontbehindtthetissuetusingtdifferentttoolstandttechniquestandttotgivetpropertsolutiontregardingtthetproblem/issuetontwhichtcouldtworktandtenhancetitstperformance. ThetobjectivetisttotgivetpropertsolutiontwhichtistMcDonaldstistfacing,tistfalltintrevenuetbytcollectingtprimarytandtsecondarytdata,tdepthtdatatanalysisttotreachtthetsolution.t Research methodology The research methodology can be divided into two phase. The first phase integrated research in which various types of concepts and theories are applied resulting in the development of the model. The second phase online research or comparative research has been described in the next chapter. the fourth section shows limitation of the research and the last section shows brief description of main statistical tools used in research. The conclusion summarizes the main statement made in this chapter. .Atfirsttlimitationtinvolvestthetnaturetofttrust.tTrusttistatnontangibletandthumantfeeling,tbeingtdifferenttfromtpersonttotperson.tAtspecifictusabilitytaspecttmightthavetatgreattinfluencetonttrusttontonetperson,twhilethavingtatlimitedtinfluencetontanothertperson.tMoreover,tasttrusttistpersonallytrelated,tatdirecttcustomertapproachtmighttgeneratetbettertresults. For example- this might be more interesting to go and ask customer personally regarding trust towards the company at the place of comparing different FMCG portals. The first phase is consisting five main steps , the first step is getting knowledge about Dabur India Ltd, second usability and investigation, third importance and trust regarding company, fourth exploration and the last one fifth step different economic theories applied in different steps. Scale is maintained by the customer after their online purchase. Customer are invited for the purpose of brief survey every thousands of customer shares their experience about purchase of the prduct. tSurveyt Atfieldtoftappliedtstatistics,tsurveytmethodologytstudiestthetsamplingtoftindividualtunitstfromtatpopulationtandtthetassociatedtsurveytdatatcollectionttechniques,tsuchtastquestionnairetconstructiontandtmethodstfortimprovingtthetnumbertandtaccuracytoftresponsesttotsurveys. 1.5.2tPrimarytData PrimarytDatastaretfirstthandtdatatthosetwhichtaretcollectedtfromtthetdirecttsource.tHeretdatastaretcollectedtbytmeetingtfacettotfacetandtquestionnaire.tThistmethodtoftcollectiontoftdatatistverythelpfultastwetcantknowtabouttthetinternaltmatterstandtalsotgettvariedtanswerstastthetmentalitytoftpersontvaries.t Datatcollectedtbytthetinvestigatorthimself/therselftfortatspecifictpurpose.tExamplestDatatcollectedtbytatstudenttforthis/hertthesistortresearchtproject.t(Intmovies)tThetherotistdirectlyttoldtbytthetheroinetthatthetisthertidealtman. 1.tMeetingt30tretailerst 2.tFindingtouttthetretailerstthroughtscheduletmethod. 3.tAlltthetprocedurestweretrecordedtthroughtpropertquestionnaires. 1.5.3tSecondarytData SecondarytDatastaretthetsecondthandtdatatwhichtaretusuallyttakentortcollectedtfromtthetexistingtrecords.tDatastcollectedtfromtsecondarytsourcestaretliketcompanystrecordtoftwork,tcompanystwebtsites,treferencettexts,tthetdocumentstoftretailers.tThetpurposetbehindtthetcollectiontoftthetdatastisttotknowtabouttthetpasttpositiontoftthetretailertandtthetfeedbacktoftthetcustomersttowardstthetcompanytandtalsotthetproducttoftthetcompany.tDatatcollectedtbytsomeonetelsetfortsometothertpurposet(buttbeingtutilizedtbytthetinvestigatortfortanothertpurpose). ExamplestCensustdatatbeingtusedttotanalyzetthetimpacttofteducationtontcareertchoicetandtearning. (Intmovies)tThetherotreadstatfictionaltaccounttoftthetheroinestidealtmant(writtentfortatcoursetintEnglishtcomposition)tthattseemsttotdescribethimtaccurately.tHetseekstconfirmationtfromthistfriends,tconcludingtthatthetisthertidealtman.t(Hetnevertasksthertdirectly,tbuttassumestthetfactstaretcorrect). tSCOPEtOFtTHEtSTUDY Itthelpststudentsttotunderstandtthetworkingtenvironmenttandtthetproceduraltsetuptoftthetretailer. Ittistusefultfortthetstudentstfortfurthertreference. Itthelpstthetstudentsttotgaintpracticaltknowledge. 4.GettingtantopportunityttotinteracttwithtthetRetailer Chapter -4 Data analysis and interpretation Data analysis Q1.) tDo you know about Dabur India Ltd( rural area) Dabur India LtdNo of RespondentYes 35No 45Total80 EMBED MSGraph.Chart.8 s Interpretation In the sample size of 80 in rural area 35 people said yes with 44 that they know about Dabur India Ltd. Asking about Dabur India Ltd in rural area 45 people said No with 56 that they dont know about Dabur India Ltd. Q 2)- Do you know about Dabur India Lyt(Urban Area) Dabur India LtdNo of RespondentYes 65No 15Total80 Interpretation In term of Urban area 65 people said Yes with 81 that they are known from Dabur India Ltd In term of Urban area 15 people said Yes with 19 that they are known from Dabur India Ltd Q3)- What is your most preferred FMCG company in india in oral care Most preferred company in FMCGNo of respondent Colgate 25Dabur India Ltd15HUL30Pg10Total 80 Interpretation – In FMCG companies HUL is the most preferred company in India with 37 of the population as it is mentioned in the graph. is preferred by 31 from overall population in India. In India 19 population is preferring the product of Dabur India Ltd shown in the chart. PG is preferred by 13 from overall population in India mentioned in the graph. Q4)- Are you regular user of Dabur chywanprash Chywanprash use feedback No of respondantYes 45No 35 Interpretation In the sample size of 80 respondent 56 are regular user of Chywanprash . Data shown graph 44 respondent are not using Chywanprash regularly. Q5)-Wha tis most prefered Chywaprash Brand Preferred chywanprash brandNo of respondentDabur28Emani Sona Chandi25Patanjali27Total 80 Interpretation In the most preferred Brand of Chywanprash in India Dabur is leading brand which is shown in the graph with 35. 34 respondent preferred Patanjali in the chywanprash brand of India in the graph as it is shown. In the sample size of 80 respondent 31 are preferring Emani Sona Chandi Chywanprash. Q6)-What honey do you preffer in term of quality and price Prefered honey brand No of respondentDabur honey38Patanjali honey 42Total 80 Interpretation- As it shown in the graph that 42 are preferring Patanjali Honey in term of price and quality. In the sample size of 80 people 58 are preferring Dabur Honey in term of Quality and price. Q7)- Are you regular user of chywanprash User of Chywanprash No of respondentYes48No32Total80 Interpretation In the sample size of 80 respondent 60 are regular user of Chywanprash. 40 are none user of Chywanprash. Q8)-What honey do you prefer in term of quality Honey Brand No of respondent Dabur honey46Patanjali honey34Total 80 Interpretation In the sample size of 80 people 57 are preferring Dabur Honey which means customers are highly satisfied as it is shown in the graph. 43 are preferring Patanjali Honey shown in the graph. Q9)-What honey do you preffer in term of price Honey brand No of respondentDabur honey28Patanjali 52Total 80 Interpretation In the sample size of 80 65 population are preferring Patanjali Honey in term of price in India. In term of price only 35 people are preferring Dabur Honey as it is shown in the graph. Q10) Quality standard of FMCG company in oral Care FMCG companies oral care ( toothpaste)No of respondentColgate 45Dabur Red 17Patanjali Dant Kanti18Total 80 Interpretation In top toothpaste brand in the sample size of 80 people in India 56 are in the favor of Colgate toothpaste and it is clear that the quality is maintained by colgate shown in the graph. 21 people are in favor of Dabur Red by Quality standard. 23 people opted Patanjali Dant Kanti by quality standard shown in the grapg. Q10)- Are you satisfied with the product quality of Dabur India Ltd Level of satisfactionNo of respondentYes 45No 35Total 80 Interpretation In the sample size of 80 people 56 people are satisfied with the quality standard of product of Dabur India Ltd and they said Dabur India Ltd delivering quality product to the customer. In the respondent 44 are not satisfied with the product quality as data is shown in the graph. Q12) what shampoo brand do you prefer Shampoo brands No of respondent Clinic Plus15Head Shoulders 27Sunshilk 18TREsemee20Total 80 6.2tSURVEYtREPORT Atreviewtistdefinedtastatdetailedtscrutiny,tortthetproceduretoftassessingtlandtintcommandttotfindtouttitstlimitations. AretYoutorderingtfoodtonlineAretyoutsatisfiedtordertonlineAretyoutawaretabouttRoadrunnerNoNoYestNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNoYesYesYesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNoYesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoYesYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNotNoNoYesYesNoNoYseYesYesNoNoNotYesYesNoYesYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesYesNotYesYesNoYesNoNoYesYesYesNoYesYesYesYesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNoYesNoNoNoYesYesNo NoNoYestNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNoYesYesYesNoYesYesYesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNoYesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoYesYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNotNoNoYesYesNoNoYseYesYesNoNoNotYesYesNoYesYesNoYesNoYesNoYesNoYesYesNotYesYesNoYesNoNoYesYesYesNoYesYesYesYesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoNoYesYesYesNoNoYesNoNoNoYesYesNo Questionnaire Q1) Do you know about Dabur India Ltd ( rural area) Yes No Q2) ) Do you know about Dabur India Ltd( Urban area) Yes No Q3) What is your most preferred FMCG company in India a-Colgate b- Dabur India Ltd c-HUL d- PG Q4) Are you regular user of Chywanprash a a-Yes b- No Q5) What is your most preferred Chywanprash Brand Dabur Chywanprash Emani Sona Chandi Chywanprash Patanjali Chywanprash Q6) what honey brand do you prefer in term of quality and price Dabur honey Patanjali honey Q8) ) what honey brand do you prefer in term of quality Dabur honey Patanjali honey Q9) what honey brand do you prefer in term of price Dabur honey Patanjali honey Q10)Quality standard of FMCG companies in oral care Colgate toothpaste Dabur Red toothpaste Patanjali Dant Kanti Q11) Are you satisfied with the product quality of Dabur India Ltd Yes No Q12) what shampoo brand do you prefer Clinic Plus Head shoulders Sun shilk TREsemee Q.13)tHowtDotYoutKnowtAbouttRoadrunner BytAdvertisement BytNewspaper BytMagazines BytFriend Q14)tAretYoutorderingtfoodtonline Yes No Q.15)thowtdotyoutordertproduct online Directtcall Onlinetportal Mobiletapp Q.16)tAretyouthappy to torder producttonline a-Neutral Satisfied Highlytsatisfied Chapter five conclusion and finding Finding in this project i visited 80 customer and taken feedback about Dabur India Ltd regarding product, ,price and quality and other Indian FMCG companies . in over all feedback of the customer some of them are in favour favour of Dabur India Ltd and some in favour of HUL, Pg, Colgate and Patanjali regarding quality of product and price of product in different categories. In the category In the category of Hair oil Brand Marico has 30 where Dabur has 19 of market share by the survey of 2016 and other Has 51 market share HUL has captured 47 market share and PG has 27 market share in the category of Shampoo. In the category of oral care Brand Colgate is market leader with market share of54.9 , Dabur has 14 and HUL with 30 market share . HUL is market leader with market share of 54 , Godreg has 3 and CavinKare with 12 market share in the category of Skincare. In the category of Fruit juice Brand Dabur India Ltd is market leader with market share of 60 where Pepsico has 30 of market share by the survey of 2016 and other Has 10 market share by survey report of 2016. In rural area I found only 44 awareness by the feedback of the customer in sample size of 80 customer and in urban area 81 awareness. In FMCG companies HUL is the most preferred company in India with 37, Colgate31 , 19 Dabur India Ltd and PG 13 . In the sample size of 80 respondent 56 are regular user and 44 respondent are non user. sIn the most preferred Brand of Chywanprash in India Dabur is leading with 35, 34Patanjali in and 31 a Emani Sona Chandi Chywanprash by the feedback analysis of 80 customer. In the sample size of 80 people 57 are preferring Dabur Honey and43 are preferring Patanjali Honey which means customers are highly satisfied with Dabur Honey. In the sample size of 80 65 population are preferring Patanjali Honey means customers are much satisfied and only 35 people are preferring Dabur Honey in term of price . In top toothpaste brand in the sample size of 80 people in India 56 customers are in the favor of Colgate toothpaste ,21Dabur Red and 23 Patanjali Dant Kanti by feedback. Suggestions From observing the data collected from the sample size of 80 customer in rural are the awareness is not so well the company should organize promotional events in rural area to spread awareness in the people. For the purpose of attracting customers towards Dabur India Ltd should provide rebate while purchasing product. The company should meet the commitment done by company. The company should demonstrate the value of product in life of the customers. The company should built strong medium of communication specially in rural area. The company should promote the product door to door by providing free samples . The company should have sports persons for promoting health centric product. The company should offer any others product with its brand product Dabur Honey or price should be deducted. A good research should be done by the company on the competitors in rural area and urban area to know the perception of the customers. The company should reward the customer on higher purchase during perceived time. The company should have hording at every bus stop and railway stations. The company should do promotion on regional channels as well . Company should give proper training of technology in term of production and service enhancement. Company should do promotion in colleges and university by organizing an event and rewarding the students. Packaging and design attracts the customer most so company should work on it in term of packaging and designing of product in term of attracting the customers. Conclusion This project report has been prepared on the issue of declining sales of Dabur India Ltd at micro level in Bangalore and providing the reason why the sales of Dabur India ltd is getting down, a vast population from other states are living in Bangalore for food and shelter and due to barrier of language promotional activity becomes little tough among the people. The company Dabur India Ltd is facing intense competition from all FMCG companies in various category of the product. Patanjali India Ltd is giving throat cut competition to All FMCG companies not only Dabur but also HUL, PG, Colgate as well. Baba Ram Dev a Brand name who has millions of followers across the country is promoting their product ,. He is more effective in comparison of celebrities who are promoting the product brand of other companies. It is capturing market share of Dabur India Ltd in the category of different product. In the category of two different health centric product Dabur Chywanprash and Dabur honey, as there was already competition between Dabur and Emani, after the existence of Patanjali the level of competition has been high. Patanjali chywanprash and patanjali honey is giving intense competition to Dabur Chywanprash and Dabur honey . There is vast difference between the price of Dabur honey and Patanjali honey this is also one reason of getting sales down because people look for cheap and best. Awareness in rural area is not enough good in the comparison of urban area because promotional activity has not been formed for the purpose of promotions in rural area. Day by day unbranded products are existing in the market and unaware people are shifting towards that product this is also one aspect of declining sales. There is lack of proper training program for the employees this is why they are facing many problems in their jobs and failing to give good performance at working place.s PAGE MERGEFORMAT 28

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