Next level for local election in Indonesia is for municipality and regency

Next level for local election in Indonesia is for municipality and regency. The executives for regency and municipal for rural area known as Regent (Bupati) and in city area known as Mayor (Walikota). Similar to regional level, the regent and mayor will be elect as a pair with their vice for five-years term. They need at least get 30% vote to win the elections. In addition, for this level of election they also did not have fixed date hence, sometimes it occurs on the same day as the province elections. The regent and mayor then need to choose and appointed the Head of District (camat) and its vice for their area. According to article 67 (3) and (4) of law 22/1999, the regent/mayor must choose the head of district from civil servant in their districts that fulfil the requirement line out in the law. The lower tier for the local election in Indonesia is the election to choose the head of village(kepala desa) whereby the candidates for the election is a civilian that elected by the villagers in more locally and informal organized elections. Contrast to the other local level, the head of village will be hold their position for the six-year term (Green, 2005).
In conclusion, the local elective system in Indonesia is not totally organized as they did not have the fixed date for the elections. Due to this, the elections sometimes clash, and it occur throughout the year which will cost more money to the central government. Indonesia managed to apply the decentralization in their country, but the system is still quite vague and not really systematics they failed to synchronized the date for the elections. Some effort and compromise from central government will be required if they want to do a progress and improvement.