Marijuana legalization has been contentious debate for long time

Marijuana legalization has been contentious debate for long time. The debate regarding the legalization of marijuana has been noted to one of the way in which the political landscape is changing continuously. Based on benefits or harm, United States is coming into terms with various policies regarding drugs and criminal justice which is an issue that politics and American considered to have been failed at substantial cost of country’s liberty and cost. So there are lots of perspectives by different media analysis regarding the issue of legalization of marijuana in United States of America.
The first view point is that New York should legalize marijuana as recreational activity. This is one of the issue that is being raised by various individual in US. This aspect is being motivated by increasing tax revenue, creating new jobs opportunities and also creating agricultural opportunities (Rachael). Plus, with legalization, consumers of marijuana will be guaranteed healthy and safe drugs while the other perspective is that marijuana should be made legal but its legalization should not be motivated by new tax revenue but for social justice. This aspect is majorly supported by the reason that is legalization of marijuana is to address the significant number of African American who are jailed on marijuana charges (Karen). Even though there are two aspects from two different sources that are supporting legalization of marijuana as one is based on increasing revenue and creating new agricultural land while the other source is based on addressing the issue of social justice in USA. The both mindset are particularly good as both are based on good purpose for America.

According to Marijuana project policy, the criminalization of drug has rapidly increasing criminal gang so if it is legalized these groups will be cut off and moreover this will also reduce drug-based violence which will save billions of resources (Sullivan). However, legalization comes with a question that is profit for Multinational Corporation like in tobacco industry. But these arguments are measured with medical marijuana which resists the misuse and over consumption of marijuana. While the states in which cannabis is illegal, Law enforcement action in these states is against marijuana smoker. According to New York Times there is no difference in number of people who smoke marijuana among white, black and Latinos (Wolfe). However, the arrest date indicates that there is large racial difference. At least 85% people arrested are people of color and individuals from Latino community. Consequently, the state is considering legalization of drugs based on the statistics by establishing a task to focus on health and safety. Moreover, the consumers would be required with information in accordance in the type of pesticide used during cultivation so that risk of unsafe products could be reduced.
Marijuana legalization can both be pro and anti but however criminalization of marijuana in United States has been main reason for increase in number of jailed people (Doward). Moreover it also increased criminal gangs who had participated in its sale and distribution. Currently, only medical marijuana is legal in United States with nine states having legalization marijuana for enjoyment and further thirty states legalized marijuana sale. . The other states of America are advocating about legalization due to lots of concern such as border public health question, safety and finical implications. As such due to such push for legislation, it is apparent that bringing marijuana under a law would more be benefit than harm.
Recreational marijuana had been legal in America since 2012 and 64% American had polled that America should legalize marijuana. According to university Quinnipiac 94% adults are in support of it but according to national instution of drug abuse 44% of Americans over the age of 12 use marijuana once in their life. Marijuana legalization can both be beneficial or harmful for both people and economy. It will not only increase the tax revenue as $6.6 billion industry has been grown from which 7 in 10 dollars go in medical marijuana and 3 in 10 for recreational marijuana. Legalization of marijuana will not only decrease the rate of criminals but also lots of people who are in jail will be released. With its legalization racialism will also decrease. Even though many peoples will misuse the law of legalization but with proper control and regulation it will be like blessing instead of harm.

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