lockes starting stage for his social contract theory is from a state of nature a stage before basic culture where the state does not exist

lockes starting stage for his social contract theory is from a state of nature a stage before basic culture where the state does not exist. it is a vague climate in which to live as there is nothing to maintain what he calls the law of nature. the law of nature communicates that everyone has the benefit to life opportunity and property. in the state of nature there is no one to maintain the law of nature so individuals have the benefit to enthusiastically volunteer approve it provoking an unstable space. locke keeps up in his theory that a social contract is formed when people surrender these individual rights to the sovereign thusly consenting to the oversee of the state. it is the states commitment to approve the law of nature guaranteeing the nationals life opportunity and space. essentially as the individual is contracted to consent to the state so too is the sovereign contracted to guarantee the benefits of those it is controlling. if the sovereign fails to do this by then people have a benefit to empty the sovereign pulling back their consent. people can consent by methods for express consent a declaration of consent for example the american welcome of their flag. since this on occasion happens people who dont revolt and value the upsides of the state may be considered as verifiably consenting.