Encryption will help to create a stable movement for the networks which are shared to one server to another

Encryption will help to create a stable movement for the networks which are shared to one server to another. We also need to follow the protocols which emphasize on security and encryption are as follows: Security Protocols: TCP/IP, HTTPS, POP3

Encryption Protocols in windows: Transport layer security, Virtual Private Network (VPN), Wireless security.

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These protocols help us to prevent confidential data from third parties. user identification validation of a who transfer date to unknow systems or servers. There are also chances to serve Firewalls and Antivirus for forming a secure connection.

To establish a secure connection, We need to follow as follows:

As per the OSI (Open Source Interconnection Model) – It is also called as seven layer Model which includes seven layers including transport layer. Since Transport layer has implemented the SSL for the purpose of security.

SSL allows browsers and servers to interact with the secure connection with all encrypted information shared.

It also allows us to detect the data should be encrypted before sending and decrypted before it delivers. Now we need to attempt few scenarios to establish a sequence approach for the secure connection.

Authentication: When the client communicates with the server during the initial attempt over a secure connection, the server will present web browser with a set of credentials in the form of the server certificate.

Confidentiality: Data should be very secured and private which is very important for all the organizations to protected in a encrypted format.

Integrity: With the help of authentications and confidentiality of a systems integrity of the data can make more complex and bold in all the organizations of a network.

SSL Steps to verify whether the controls are working to require secure connections are as follows:

An SSL certificate is needed to create SSL connection. Once SSL is activated on our web server, the two cryptographic keys are created, namely private key and public key.

The CA(Certificate Authority) would then validate all the details provided by us and following successful authentication of all details, SSL certificate will be issued.

It is signed by a trusted CA, is it the certificate valid or expired, It also confirms to required security standards on key length, The domain listed on the certificate matches the domain that was requested by the user.

When the browser confirms that the website can be trusted, It creates a symmetric session key which encrypts with the public key in the website’s certificate. The session key is then sent to the web server. The web server uses its private key to decrypt the symmetric session key. The server sends back an acknowledgment that is encrypted with the session key. From now on, all data transmitted between the server and the browser is encrypted and secure.

CONCLUSION: This was the brief explanation of secure connection and establishes a requirement, steps to verify the controls are working to require a secure connection.