1. Africa is the second largest continent after Asia, and its area is about 22% of the entire land area of Africa.
2. The total area of Africa is around 30 million kilometers square.
3. Africa is second driest continent in the world.
4. Africa is the hottest continent in the world.
5. There are 54 total countries in Africa.
6. Sudan is the largest country in Africa and the smallest country is Seychelles.
7. Africa’s most populated city is Cairo, capital of Egypt.
8. Africa is world’s largest diamond producer, approximately more than 50 %of world production.
9. Africa has the largest hot desert in the world called, Sahara desert.
10. The Sahara desert covers as many as 10 countries of Africa.
11. The richest country in the Africa is Equatorial Guinea
12. At the starting of 20th century almost entire territory of Africa was colonized but Ethiopia and Liberia were independent.
13. During second Congo War, more than 5.4 million people died- second highest causalities after World War II.
14. Between 15th and 19th centuries, around 7-12 millions of Africans were kidnapped and sold to slavery in America.
15. Many countries of Africa are in the list of top 25 poorest and underdeveloped countries in the world.
16. The people of Africa follow Islamic or Christianity religion.
17. Nigeria is the fourth largest oil exporter in the world and the largest oil producer in Africa.
18. Africa has more than 30% of total earth’s mineral resources.
19. The world’s longest river, Nile flows in Africa.
20. The biggest African island is Madagascar.
21. Victoria Lake is the largest lake in Africa and second largest freshwater lake in the world.
22. Africa population is more than 1 billion and is second most populated continent.
23. According to researches the human civilization started in Africa.
24. The total population of Africa is about 16% of total earth’s population.
25. In African countries half of the population has not reached the age of 25 years.
26. There are over 25 million HIV positive people in Africa and more than 17 million people have already died from it.
27. About 90% malaria cases occur in Africa and about 3,000 children die from it every day.
28. Approximately 40% of population of Africa lacks secondary education.
29. The people of continent speak approximately 2000 languages.
30. Arabic is the most spoken language, other languages like English, Swahili, French and Hausa are second most popular languages.
31. Africa has the lowest life expectancy rate, men- 50 years and female- 48 years.
32. There are many rare species of plants and animals found in Africa like, hippos, giraffes and many others.
33. Hydnora africana, insectivorous plant grows only in Africa. The local people consume fruits of this plant.
34. More than 25% of bird species are in Africa.
35. The world’s largest land animal – an African elephant lives in Africa. It can weigh from 6 to 7 tons.
36. Lake Malawi, located in East Africa, contains the largest number of species of fish.
37. The world’s fastest animal, cheetah lives in Africa.
38. Some African tribes hunt hippos and serve it as food.
39. Africa is crossed by equator and Prime Meridian, so it is most centrally located continent in the world.
40. Africa and Europe are separated by only 8.9 miles of ocean.
41. The sand dunes of Sahara Desert can be as high as Eiffel Tower.
42. More than 90% of African soil is not suitable for agriculture.
43. Around 240 million of Africans suffers from malnutrition.
44. The highest mountain in Africa – Kilimanjaro, it is a volcano.
45. Africa’s most deadly animal is hippopotamus.
46. A country of Africa, Tanzania has the highest albinism rates. Albino children are attacked by the witchdoctors and cut their body parts to make tonics that they believe can heal diseases.
47. Africa’s most famous tourist destination is Egypt.
48. Africa’s most popular sports are soccer and cricket.
49. Females of African tribe, Mursi wears plates on their lips.
50. The world oldest university, University of Karaouine is in Morocco.
51. Around 40% of population of Africa is illiterate.
52. There is tribe in Africa called “Kalenjins”; most of the fast runners come from there.
53. Wangari Maathai was the first African woman who was rewarded Noble Prize for peace.
54. Sudan has the highest number of pyramids in the world.
55. Experts say that there are at least 3,000 distinct ethnic groups in Africa.
56. There are more than 1 million Chinese citizens in Africa.
57. South Africa is the second largest fruit export in the world.
58. 40% of African children between the ages of 5 and 14 are forced to work.
59. People have to walk on an average 4 kilometers daily to get water.
60. Everyday around 96 elephants are killed on the continent.