Tthe model comprises of four contributing factors that leads to the individuals cognitive appraisal of being infertile

Tthe model comprises of four contributing factors that leads to the individuals cognitive appraisal of being infertile, which is the perceived problem, resulting behavioural outcome being medical help seeking.
The contributing factors to the cognitive appraisal of infertility are :
?Symptom Salience – Symptom in current context is infertility. Indicators of infertility salience include whether the woman was actively trying to get pregnant and the strength of her intention to bear future children.
?Life Course Cues: life course cues are important triggers for appraising lack of conception as a fertility problem and for seeking help. The cues include age, parity, and marriage, which is directly related as a trigger for normative childbearing
?Individual And Social Cues: Individual cues for perceiving and seeking help for fertility problems include the importance of motherhood as a life goal and religiosity. Help- seeking theories suggest that social cues should be an important determinant of perceiving a problem and seeking treatment. In the case of infertility, the most important of these social cues is likely to be partner’s desires.
?Enabling and Pre-Disposing Factors: Carpentier ; White, 2000, shows that social network support predicts help-seeking, hence expressive social support is included as a general enabling factor. The factors that generally predispose one to treatment seeking will be taken as measures of education, general health, internal health locus of control, and ethical concerns about artificial reproductive technologies (ART).
This model is one the basis to identify if the cognitive appraisals and perceptions remain the same, perception of the infertility problem and medical help seeking among infertile men and women. The help seeking model postulates about the various interactions and the causal effect relation between the individual and the factorial relations namely , the symptom salience, life-course cues , individual and social cues and the enabling and predisposing factors which leads to the perception of a problem. From the point of view of this study, the factors would be studied in depth with the aid of individual interviews with infertile couple and individually. The cognitive appraisal of the situation would be studied as from the couple’s perception, and the individual perception of the problem, which in-turn leads to the medical help seeking for the rectification of the problem. The researcher would study the following aspects in among the infertile couple , and the individual – Help Seeking Behavior , Medical Help Seeking Behavior, Perception Of Infertility Problem , Trying ,Parity ,Value Of Motherhood ,Value Of Fatherhood, Religiosity, Family Income, Social Support, Internal Health Locus Of Control, Subjective Health Ethical Considerations and Education.
Divorce, polygamy, and extramarital affairs remain, as they have long been, social solutions to infertility, as do various forms of adoption and fostering. Examples of other social solutions include the continuing practice in some cultures of multiple wives in response to infertility (or lack of a son) or the custom in some cultures requiring a sibling (usually an eldest son) to provide one of his children to a younger, childless sibling.
Women’s bodies, especially in developing countries, are frequently the locus through which social, economic, and political power is exercised. Where the role or status of women is defined by their reproductive capacity, as when womanhood is defined by motherhood, infertility can have significant social repercussions including unstable marriages, domestic violence, stigmatization and in severe cases, ostracism. Infertile women in developing countries may suffer life-threatening physical or psychological violence when having children is a woman’s only chance to improve her status in her society or family. Individuals who are thought to be infertile are generally relegated to an inferior status, and stigmatized with many labels. Hence, childlessness has varied consequences through its effects on societies and on the lifestyle of individuals. Parenthood is personal for some women, whereas by some as a duty