There are many applications of heat conduction in our everyday lives

There are many applications of heat conduction in our everyday lives. Heat conduction is the process where heat, or internal energy is transferred within a body or from one body to another due to the collisions of particles. These particles may include molecules, atoms, and electrons. One common example of heat conduction in our everyday lives is cooking. An iron skillet is placed on top of the stovetop. Heat will always flow from a region of higher concentrated energy to a region of lower concentrated energy. When the stovetop is turned on, there is a temperature difference between the iron skillet and the stovetop. However, this temperature difference decays over time and as a result, the thermal equilibrium is achieved. The heat transfer is in the direction of decreasing temperature, which in this case is from the stovetop to the bottom of the iron skillet.
The transfer of heat is important because there are certain processes that can only operate at high temperatures. The heat flow is important to attain a uniform temperature in a designated area such as a furnace chamber. During a chemical reaction, the temperature of the reactants and the products must be raised to the required values. However, there is always loss of heat to the surroundings and as a result, the chemical process will not fully occur. It is the job of the engineer to minimize the heat loss. The basics of heat transfer must be understood in order to efficiently calculate the heat flow and design the optimal flow path in the process. Heat transfer can occur via three ways, conduction, convection, and radiation.