The process of making aluminium is the alumina is reduced to aluminium metal through electrolytic reduction

The process of making aluminium is the alumina is reduced to aluminium metal through electrolytic reduction. The melting point for the pure alumina is over 2000?.² To making metallic aluminium, we need to melt the alumina in a iron vat. In the approximately 1000? molten cryolite the alumina dissolve so that electrolyte can be produced. Then the electrolyte is put into a iron vat. This iron vat also called reduction pot. The iron vat has carbon at the bottom. Carbon is one of the electrode. There are some carbon rod hanging on pot. This is the other electrode that opposite to the carbon at the bottom of the pot. The next step is to conduct electricity and eletricity go through the solution. Alumina molecule is made of aluminium atom and oxygen atom so in this process the bond that hold these two atoms together will be broken and produce oxygen gas as a product. Oxygen gas react with the carbon and produce two products which are carbon dioxide.¹ The aluminium atom that released will be appear in a form of molten metal. It will be deposit at the bottom of the reduction pot. They are put in the electrolyte solution but above the molten aluminium at the bottom of the pot