Environment is the most powerful stimuli which effect an individual way of thinking and behaving

Environment is the most powerful stimuli which effect an individual way of thinking and behaving. Individual pattern of thinking, personality styles and their traits are mostly influenced by the surrounding. Every individual faces troubles and difficulties in their lives but the way they respond to them are highly shaped by their parents and surrounding people. As the lives of individual is highly effected by their environment the same way the individual who born in highly prosper environment will throw them to live their lives in luxuries as they do not have face any difficulty in their starting lives so, mostly they live their lifes as an independent individuals and the development of positive traits were found less in them as compared to the individuals who born in the time of recession and from whom the availability of primary needs were less to them. Everyone is busy in their own lives and their own problems so, mostly our elders in their later stages of life feel loneliness, they are unable to share their problems with others due to which they take more stress which effect both their physical and mental health and mostly their attitude towards their life is negative which suggests that the attitude towards their life is negative. While comparing previous generations with today’s young generations, today’s young generation have more socially connected they have more friends to which they share their own problems they do not take as much as stress take by the previous generations or elders so, the attitude of today’s young generation towards life is mostly positive and if they face any trouble in their lives so, by the help of their family and friends they are able to handle that unpleasant situation. Mostly the previous generations lives their life as an independent individuals the social networking is not that much vast they mostly sought out their own problems without any one’s help they also considered him/her self as a dominant and does not relaying on others for problem solving or decision making. Nowadays, as we seen our parents they mostly ordered their child’s to obey their orders and in mostly cases they denied child’s decision even in child’s own life, parents selected any vocation for their child’s, without child’s involvement they took important steps of their life to show his/her dominancy and superiority they have upon their children’s. As result of which the child’s life is totally dependent on their parents life even in a small decisions they need permission from their parents and all other family members due to which they defined themselves in the concept of ‘we’ phenomena rather than ‘me’. The time period in which an individual was born has a great impact on the way of their thinking style and personality development and the development of positive traits in them.
Study concluded that Relationship between age groups with resilience is mild positive, which shows that along with the age the resilience in people tends to increase. In case of narcissism the relationship between age group and narcissism is found to be negative which indicates that there is a negative relationship between these variables and along within increase in the age the narcissism tends to decrease. The study also concluded that there are somehow increase in vanity and entitlement in age groups which are basically the factors of narcissism.
Study also reveals that the level of resiliency in previous generation i.e, Xennials were found higher in them as compared to Millennials, while compared with Generation Z the level of resilience were found less in Xennials. While compare Millennials with Generation Z the level of resilience were found less in them which shows that today’s young generation were found to be more resilient than the previous generations.
Narcissism is a negatively correlated with all of the three generations which indicated that there is an inverse relation that has been found in generations and narcissism. There is a very small increase in the level of narcissism as we shift from one generation to next.
Study conclude that there is a mild positive relation between age groups and resilience which also supports our hypothesis that there is an impact of age groups on the level of resilience, as we shift from one generation to the next there is a significant change in the level of resiliency in each of generation. Study also concluded that there is a mild negative relation between age groups and level of narcissism which also supports our hypothesis that there is an impact of age groups on the level of narcissism, as we shift from one generation to the next the level of narcissism tends to decrease which reveals that the ability to bounce back or positive attitudes towards life tends to increase as we shift from one generation to the next. While comparing all of the three generations the study concluded that Generation Z were found more resilient and the probability of decreased in the level of narcissism become increased which also supports our alternative hypothesis that Generation Z is more resilient than and less narcissist than the other generations and also, that relationship between Generation Z with narcissism is low negative and with resilience mildly positive which proves our hypothesis than there is a significant relationship between Generation Z and resilience. Study also concludes that the level of narcissism is very low negative correlated with Millennials which means that the relation exist but negative and very low as we shift from Xennials to Millennials the level of narcissism become decrease but not much as Xennials and Generation Z which supports our hypothesis that Millennials are more narcissist than Xennials and Generation Z also, when compare Millennials with other generations the level of resiliency is mild positive but has been found less as compared to the other two generation which also proves our hypothesis that Millennials are less resilient generation than Xennials and Generation Z. Also there is a very low negative relation with narcissism and mild positive relation with resilience which supports our hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between Millennials with resiliency and narcissism. Study also reveals that the level of narcissism is mild negative correlated with Xennials which means that as we shift from previous generation to Xennials the level of narcissism tends to decrease in mild level but when we compare their mild negative correlation with Millennials (very low negative correlation with narcissism) and Generation Z (low negative correlation with narcissism) it has been found that Xennials are less narcissist than Millennials and more narcissist than Generation Z which supports our alternative hypothesis that Xennials are more narcissist than Generation Z and less narcissist than Millennials. As we compare the results of Xennials on resiliency with Millennials and Generation Z results it has been found that Xennials are more resilient than Millennials and less resilient than Generation Z which proves our alternative hypothesis that Xennials are more resilient than Millennials and less resilient than Generation Z. Also study concluded that there is a mild positive relation found between resilience and Xennials and mild negative relation between narcissism and Xennilas which proves our hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between Xennials with narcissism and resilience.