During her tenure at personal reflections store, Tricia extrovert personality was one of the factors that led to her success. She was Outgoing, assertive, sociable and talkative. Before she was given the opportunity to work as a store director, she had to deal with Miss heather Munson who was basically hindering Tricia hidden abilities and skills in constructive thinking, reasoning and problem solving. As the opportunity presented, Tricia was promoted to a store director position. Tricia created an amazing working environment with her assistant directors Lori, Ammy and Tammy. All of them worked together as a team to improve the store and change the image of the store. Her proactive, assertive, cooperative, trusting personality were exhibited during her journey as a store director. She mentored her coworkers to strive for excellence by creating a competitive work environment and improving her employee’s self-efficacy. Tricia relationship management can be explained as being an inspirational leader who guides, motivate and develop others with a compelling vision. Tricia is also persistent and achievement oriented as she always looked for opportunities to improve. She decided to go back to school for her MBA which reflect her self enhancement and self-determination traits
Referring to the big five dimensions of personalities, Amy exhibits an agreeable behavior as she was the most to get along with everyone especially the most reliable in the three assistant directors. She was cooperative, soft hearted coworker who was not that confident and assertive yet wanted the work to run smoothly. Throughout the case, Amy seem to be that reliable, honest, respectful and loyal employee. She always worked well and in harmony with Tricia the store director. Amy seems to have a content personality at work as she did not display enough ability and effort to engage in a competitive action when the opportunity to be promoted to store director presented. She instead has an interpersonal and naturalistic intelligence as it was displayed when she did not engage in a conspiracy with tammy to betray Tricia. Amy was a peaceful employee who wanted to live in harmony with others and be liked by everyone. She had benevolence as her self-transcendence trait shows how much she valued the welfare of others and she always tried to preserve the harmony at work.