The philosophy of Bhagavad Gita is the philosophy of the Veda, which is the philosophy of hinduism. There are various divergent concepts thriving under the name of Hinduism. Hinduism welcomes diversity . However, there some highlevel common salient concepts, about which almost hindu saints and leaders agree. (Moksha, Unity in Diversity, Jiva, Law of Karma, Isvara – everywhere as everything), Devataas – faculty of isvara, Jagat, Vedas, Bhakti, puja, Upasana Karma yoga, Everything is divine)
? It is nothing but the essence of Upanishads”
? The essential features of Indian culture
According to Aurobindo:
• It say spiritual lifes.
• B.G is not a book of ethics but it is spiritual life.
• B.G teaches not human actions, but divine actions.
• B.G is not disinterested no performance of duties, but the following of the divine will.
Bhagavad Gita says that:
? Body is different from the soul which is pure existence knowledge and bless and the soul does not die even though the body dies.
? Body is made of matter which has 3 gunas “Satva, Rajas, and Thamas”
? When the soul identifies itself with the body, it suffers and has to acquire many bodies to enjoy or suffer, the consequences of its own sections. (soul always helps us and guides us always right and moral when it attach with body through it is wrong, it is compromised, and forced to do wrong)
? Soul is depart from the pleasures of the body
? When our soul concentrates on spirituality then we coming to know ultimate truth and Moksha.
? When the soul is realizes that it is different from the body, it does not suffer and attains liberation.
? The essence of everything is Brahmin. He lives in all hearts as individual soul.
? In the beginning he existed in un manifested stated.
? According the B.G the concepts of time and space are relative.
2) B.G says “Mans ultimate goal of life”:
? There are two ideas of life:
1.Hedonism: (Preyas) (Hedonic: Pleasure seeking nature)
which emphasis on the importance of sense, pleasure as the goal of life, it underlies a materialistic philosophy of life aiming at the maximum amount of sense, pleasure in this world.
2. Idealism: (Sreyas): (Idealistic):
Inspires man to find god and search into the nature of the self. It directs the thoughts and actions of the individuals unity and harmony.(Self realization)
“Man could be hedonistic or could be Idealistic”
According to B.G the ultimate goal of geeta is self-realization or god realization.
? People of demonic nature (Materialistic) these are several pleasures, greed, egoism and selfishness(Hedonists)
These people they never reach or attain ultimate goal of life, they never reach Moksham but the divine people (Idealists) clearly discriminates the pleasure from the goal and renounce attachment to the desire.
3. Paths to reach the goal: 3 paths to reach the goal of self – realization:
1type: The path of knowledge for rational type. So this path is superior to all material sacrifices.
2type: The path of action for active type. The people only to serve mankind.
3 type: The path demotion (Act of lowering in rank) for emotional type.
4types of persons who worship god:
1. Distressed
2. The aspirant of the knowledge
3. The seekers of wealth
4. The man of knowledge (he is superior rest of 3types, he is idealistic both shreyas and preyas)
4. The psychological aspects of Geeta:
The cosmic conciousness is attainable by concentration and meditation, which is the psychological method to realize the self. Through concentration the senses are withdrawn into the mind and they are allowed to move towards their respective sensual organs.
“Yoga” is the best way to reach the goals to maintain concentration. They keep under control through the process of yoga. “Yoga” is the technique of uniting the mind with the work and dexterity (samardhyam) in action is achieved through equanimity (to bring balance) of mind.
Geeta advocates 8 steps of yoga profounded by Patanjali.
1. Yama 2. Niyama 3. Asana 4. Pranayama
5.Prathyahara 6.Dharana 7.Dhyana 8.Samadhi
Axiology of Gita: