H&S responsibilities of employers
It is an employer’s responsibility to ensure that all health and safety procedures in the workplace are efficient and effective. The employer is responsible for gaining knowledge of any information about the employee regarding their health and safety. The procedures – such as fire exit procedures should be made clear to the employee before they start work.
Risk assessments should be carried out on things such as machinery before they are implemented in the work place. Electrical equipment should be PAT tested by electricians before it is plugged in anywhere in the business, as this prevents issues arising such as all systems failing because one plug exploded.
Personal H;S responsibility
There are many things each individual need to consider regarding health and safety in the business environment. For instance, work space should be kept free from hazards. This could include bags causing a trip hazard or wires possibly influencing an electrical hazard.
On top of this, you should take the responsibility of ensuring your equipment is PAT tested before plugging it in. The company I work for have a system where you log a job online which then gets assigned to the relevant electrician. You should always do this before plugging something in to avoid electrical hazards.