There are two main approaches for the selection and recruitment of the best individuals

There are two main approaches for the selection and recruitment of the best individuals. These are conducting interviews and evaluating candidates through testing in assessment center. It is recommended that the health and social care sector should consider and follow the following few steps which is necessary while recruiting best candidates:

These processes are personal interview, proper assessment of candidates, testing the candidates, examining the candidates under different circumstances, etc. (Dussault, 2003). The first step here in the process will be to interview the candidate thoroughly to make sure that the person is the best suit for the job. An individual, panels and selection committee can conduct interviews. During an interview, the interviewer can talk about a candidate’s impressions and can amend any superficial judgement. Overlapping can be evaded by selecting with selection committee which is the most formal and organised by the authorized body. The interview of the candidate should be conducted by the best experts in the health and social care sector to ensure that the examination is proper and unbiased. The interviewer should ask relevant questions to the applicant to see if the applicant can answer them confidently and if the applicant is really willing to work with full dedication for the health and social care sector (Eaton, 2000). The candidate must be properly assessed to see if he or she is a team player. Mingles with people and is ready to give total efforts towards his or her job. Moreover, a confident candidate is given much consideration for recruiting, but doing so fundamental weakness of a superficially impressive individual may be missed.

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Testing in Assessment Center: Taking test in assessment center is another approach which exercises are used to grab,and assume the core theme of a job,like one to one role plays and group exercise;There should be some assessment activities also can be conducted to test the candidates that how would they act in some given conditions diligently.It is considered that performance in these tests at assessment center predicts job’s attitude. Moreover, interviews and tests,both are applied to group exercises There can be other kinds of tests that can also be conducted to thoroughly test the candidates such as structured psychometric tests, hypothetical question, behavioral evaluation test, IQ test, capability questions and several other pertinent questions.