A MARKET RESEARCH REPORT ON “AUTONOMOUS DRIVING INDUSTRY” INTRODUCTION Autonomous Driving Vehicles An Autonomous Vehicle is also known as driverless

Autonomous Driving Vehicles
An Autonomous Vehicle is also known as driverless, fully automated with decision making capability vehicle. It’s a vehicle that is capable to sense its environment and make further decisions as per the data collected through multiple sensors.

Autonomous vehicle includes various number of sensors to understand their surroundings such as radar system, computer vision, Lidar system, sonar system, GPS, odometry and inertial measurement units. It allows the vehicle to understand the frontal path as well as the obstacles of its surrounding. The vehicle has the capability to analyze the 360-degree environment.
History of Autonomous Driving Industry
During 1920s, the experiments on Automatic Driving Vehicles started first in the world ; it was near 1950s when the first trial was conducted. The first fully automated car was developed in 1977 by a company of Japan whose name was “Tsukuba Mechanical Engineering Laboratory”. The vehicle used to track white street markers, which were observed ; interpreted by two cameras located on the vehicle, using an analog computer for the processing of signals.
But it was during 1980s when first ever Automotive Driving Car was tested as a prototype from “Carnegie Mellon University’s Navlab” ; “ALV”. By 1985, the ALV had demonstrated its car on two lanes of road with an average speed of 31 kms per hour (19 mph). The car was able to locate and avoid the obstacles when this feature was added in 1986 and was able to drive day and night time in 1987.

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Autonomous or Automated
The basic difference between Autonomous ; Automated is that Autonomous makes machine which has full command over itself and is having full control of its own and can take decisions for itself but on the other hand Automated stands for any machine which performs only those tasks which have been implemented into it. Neither it has the capability to take decisions for itself nor it can go beyond the commands and do something else. Autonomous is developed when we introduce Artificial Intelligence to Automated.

Pros ; Cons about Autonomous Driving Vehicles
It will help in reduction of traffics-The majority of road accidents are caused by driver’s fault due to their drunk and drive habits, reckless driving habits etc. creates a high probability of accidents. If a driverless car will move on roads, the chances of accidents due to any of the human habits will become very low ultimately.

It can provide efficient transportation-It’s not assured that the autonomous vehicles will impact on the reduction of traffic (specially in case of cars), but it will give you some spare time for your undone work.

Less fuel consumption-Using a driverless car will ultimately result in the less fuel consumption as it will be operated on electrically charged battery.

Security will be an issue-It will be highly tough for the public to accept a fully automated vehicle as a part of their daily life just because of the security concerns.

Automobile Industry will suffer-Autonomous Driving Vehicles will create a terrible impact on the Automobile Industry. It will directly face loss if the driverless vehicles came as a good alternative for the consumers.

Loss to Human Jobs-A fully driverless vehicle doesn’t need any human for itself which will ultimately result in the decline of thousands of jobs for Drivers, Traffic Controllers and many more.

Levels of Automation in Driverless Vehicles
Level 0: Where the human driver controls the vehicle.

Level 1: Driver still controls the major functions of vehicle.

Level 2: In this level, one among two of the functions like steering and acceleration will be information based.

Level 3: Driver is still there in the vehicle but doesn’t need to get involve much as in the previous level.

Level 4: Here comes the enhanced autonomous stage where Driver will be there in the vehicle but he is almost free from any of the functions of the machine.

Level 5: Fully Autonomous without driver.

Questionnaires – Questionnaires include total 6 major questions excluding respondent’s information.

Method – The collection of samples was done by Market Research using Questionnaires feedback process.

Sample Size – The sample size was 20.

Tools – The design of Questionnaires was done with the help of using Google Forms & further analysis part was conducted with the help of using Excel.


Interpretations: Majority of the respondents like 55% were students. Rest majority of them about 30% were the businessman and the least of them were working employees with only 15% of the contribution to outcome.

Are you aware about self-driving vehicles?

Interpretations: Majority of the respondents with 95% of contribution to the outcome were aware about the self-driving vehicles. Only 5% of them were not aware about it.

Which was the 1st vehicle you came to know it’s driverless?

Interpretation: Majority of the respondents, about 45% of them said that they first came to know about driverless Car. Second majority of them, about 40% said they heard about driverless metro. Only 5% of them said they heard first about driverless Flights.

Do you find Autonomous Driving Vehicles a good option for the welfare of humans in terms of Road Accidents, Time Constraints, Traffic Jams etc.?

Interpretation: Majority of the respondents, about 85% of them said that they find Autonomous Driving Vehicles a good option for the welfare of Humans. Rest 15% of them doesn’t think such.

Do you believe Autonomous Driving Vehicles will provide benefits to its consumers?

Interpretations: About 80% of the respondents believes that Autonomous Driving Vehicles will provide benefits to its consumers. Rest 20% doesn’t think such.
Would you prefer to take Driverless Cab service if it’s available in future?

Interpretations: About 60% of the majority would prefer to take the Driverless Cab service if it’s available in future. Rest 40% would not want to take the Driverless Cab service even it’s available in future.

Do you believe an Autonomous Driving Car will reduce road accidents?

Interpretations: About majority of the respondents, 65% were Neutral to this question. They were not sure about it at all. Rest majority of them about 30% Agreed to this question confirming that it will reduce road accidents. Remaining 5% Disagreed to this question.

Do you believe Driverless Vehicles will put Automobile Industry into loss?

Interpretation: About majority of the respondents with 45% of the contribution to the above chart seems to be neutral because they were not sure at all. Rest majority of them about 25% Agreed to the question and the same 25% also Disagreed to the question excluding 5% of Somewhat Disagreed.
Majority of the respondents are not fully aware about this new technology.

Majority of the respondents find this new technology as a good option for the welfare of humans.

People believe that it may provide benefits to its consumers.

Majority of the people are willing to take a cab service based upon Autonomous Drive technology in future.

Majority of the respondents were not confirmed about whether it will reduce road accidents or not.

Majority of the respondents were vague about the loss to the Automobile Industry from Autonomous Driving Industry.

Majority of the public of India are still not fully aware about the Autonomous Driving Industry Technology due to which the Autonomous Driving Industry might face troubles because of the lack of awareness among the public specially in India. Although the developed nations like UK, US, Australia etc., people there are more technically and socially update comparative to we Indians, but still as per the Company perspective, if they want to enter into the Indian Market, they need to conduct a hard Market Research by which they can find some more insights about the Indian Market & Indian Consumers.

The Companies should focus on making the people understand more about this new upcoming technology by doing a Market Research Study about that specific Market in which the company wants to enter. After getting the results, they should go with the Ad Campaigns according to the market scenario. They should implement some Marketing Strategies by which they can get in touch with the public & can build their product’s image in their mind. They should design some Ads for their product.
Side by side they should also enhance the utility of the vehicle by adding some more safety features and technical feature which may provide safety assurance to the public.