Yoneil Edwards Susan Ehtesham-Zadeh English 1101 20 April 2018 Prostitution and the Economy Prostitution has been going on for years

Yoneil Edwards
Susan Ehtesham-Zadeh
English 1101
20 April 2018
Prostitution and the Economy
Prostitution has been going on for years. Although, it was considered the first profession is generally unacceptable in the American society. The sex-working culture over the years has been able to cope with mental disorders. The US government believes this is a big problem. On the other hand, they handle and control many other controversial jobs. So, why not prostitution? It is a profitable sector and plays a key role in today’s economy. Prostitution is one of the most valuable backdoor industries. It is also necessary to bear in mind that, although prostitution comes from unemployment and lack of education, it is one of the most violable careers from an economic point of view. It would be beneficial to legalize prostitution, to encourage human trafficking victims to come forward, to generate revenue, reduce marginalization, and reduces the crime rates. Prostitution is the transfer of sexual services to money. In other words, that’s where a person sells his or her body. The government loses billions of dollars each year. But they do not want to admit it. There is a vested number of men and women that have no other source of earnings but to sell their bodies. It has its faults but also the potential to raise legal revenue, which is always needed in any economy. Most American Nightclubs there will always be men and women who will pay top dollar for these services. So, a legal environment helps to make this profession an official part of our culture. It is time for the government to take legal action and regulate this profession. The certification of this brand will stimulate remedies for the deficiencies in the national budget annually.
The legalization and regulation of the sector reduce stigma and discrimination. Illegal prostitution can only humiliate this sector and prevent proper supervision and growth. Similarly, as lottery scamming, prostitutes are becoming tight-lipped in fear, and criminals are certain that no one will report these crimes when they are committed. Gambling, pornography, abortions, adult dances and pornography are problematic occupations that are legal. So, give prostitution a chance to make a positive difference.
Legalizing prostitution will help reduce human trafficking by encouraging victims to come forward without fear of being charged as criminals themselves. The law that governs prostitution states that all sex worker caught in the act should be charged as a criminal. The state of North Dakota prostitution laws was revised to protect victims. And as a result, there is an increase in the number of men and women even young girls that are coming out and making their misfortunes know which have helped to put some of the real criminals behind bars. Stateline writer Rebecca Beitsch Shade light on this topic in a recent publication saying that “Some states have passed laws allowing prostitution charges to be expunged from the records of those who have been trafficked.” (Beitsch 1). Legalization will reduce pimping and gives these men and women immunity over their trade.
Legalizing prostitution will reduce the rate of sex crimes. Researchers have stated that assigning safe zone where prostitutes can operate legally will help to promote security:
reports of rape and sexual abuse declined by as much as 30 to 40 percent in the first two years after the zones were opened. In cities that licensed the prostitutes permitted to work in these tipple zones, rapes and sexual abuse dropped by as much as 40 percent, while the reductions in sexual violence were slightly lower in zones that did not enforce the licensing of sex workers (Portlock 1).
Prostitution should be analyzed so that it can be legally profitable. Even if, it is in a controlled environment.
Legalizing prostitution doesn’t solve these problems. Criminalization can possibly reduce the risk of young women being trafficked. Legalization, on the other hand, cannot stop human trafficking and may continue to put prostitute at risk of violent crimes. Legalizing this venture only encourage young people to drop out of school in search of quick money which will further exposed them to the danger that is associated with this trade. Unfortunately, most youths that take part in prostitution before the age of consent are victims of sex crimes. In other words, their first experience with sexual intercourse was rape.
Prostitution is not going to anywhere, so if the human right groups of this country cares about the health, safety, and the wellbeing of Prostitutes. They should support the idea of making this industry legal and regulated to also deter underage youths from freely participating in this arena, which not only constitutes child abuse but also human trafficking. Instead of, highlighting only the negatives that surround a minority that exploits this trade, let’s look at ways in which we can make this billion-dollar industry better. Criminalizing prostitution will only harm the people that are directly involved. Regulation this industry is easily accomplished and can be rectified by zoning designated areas where prostitutes can be respected for what they are doing. It is high time to put moralistic prejudices aside and put the best interests of these innocent people into consideration. Most of whom are only trying to make an honest living for themselves. Criminalization cannot help prostitutes get out of prostitution and legalization certainly will not trap anyone in it if it turns out to be something they don’t like.
Prostitution is a career like any other. It’s time for the government to face reality that, despite its illegality, this profession is here to stay. According to the University of Mannheim, “ninety percent of prostitutes have been abused mentally and physically, while 78 percent have been raped.” Prostitution lacks the protection it needs to be viable unlike other professions do. Yes, prostitution has its risk. But the percentage of people who do it increases every year. (Kastoryano7)
Prostitution can be seen in all 50 states on every street corner especially the main cities. In most instances, prostitution is the only way out for some people and the government and all the so-call human rights groups should no longer turn a blind eye but help to find innovative ways to legalize and regulate this locative industry. Any approach taking economically to stimulate this industry will only help to build the economy. There is a big market in this country for prostitution that can only be rewarding if it is legalized. Taking on economical approach does not imply that the government is degradation the society. It is obvious that if the Prostitutes had a higher level of education, security, and autonomy over their jobs, this would increase the income for both them and the US. Annual budget. The government and all stakeholder need to change the human approach to an economic approach and study everything that will make prostitution legally profitable.

Works cited
Stephen Kastoryano, University of Mannheim; Paul Bisschop, SEO Economic Research; and Bas van der Klaauw, University of Amsterdam https://www.cato.org/publications/research-briefs-economic-policy/street-prostitution-zones-crime
See: Bleeker, Heuts, Timmermans and Homburg (2014), Nijkamp, Sijtstra, Snippe and Bieleman (2014), Van
AWeitzer, Ronald John.?Legalizing Prostitution : From Illicit Vice to Lawful Business. NYU Press, 2012. EBSCOhost, proxygsu-gwt1.galileo.usg.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=411985&site=eds-live&scope=site.
Portlock, Karin S. “Status on Trial: The Racial Ramifications of Admitting Prostitution Evidence under State Rape Shield Legislation.”?Columbia Law Review, vol. 107, no. 6, Oct. 2007, pp. 1404-1436. EBSCOhost, proxygsu-gwt1.galileo.usg.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=27423245&site=eds-live&scope=site.
Trilling, David; Kastoryano, Stephen; van der Klaauw, Bas. “Street Prostitution Zones and Crime,” American Economic Journal, forthcoming.

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