In this twenty-first century

In this twenty-first century, by latest record Singapore Airlines(SIA) is first in the ASIA. And third benifited Airlines in the world. In the last few decades Public sector and Government sector equality helpful by collective and collaborative effort of the leaders of SIA.
Leaders has been unignored even if problem is minor that’s the reason SIA had stayed on top of ASIA. But it’s not mean the leaders they take long breath. After achievement leaders are still not complacent. Leaders of SIA continue doing progress in management. Leaders are transforming innovative ideas into Singapore Airlines for development the management systems.
Every day management are calculating the benefits of the company from bottom lines. That determines banifits are whether sinks or survives.

SIA has been achieving sustainable advantage through the dual strategies.
(1) Singapore Airlines Strategy

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Now a days SIA Accomplished as a premium carrier with an excellent class of services and the highest level of innovating. By corporate strategy Singapore airlines following related to diversification. In the SIA group have thirty-six direct subsidiaries and interconnected companies (Singapore Airlines, 2008), cargo of SIA (one hundred percentage) (Singapore Singapore 2008). Include Singapore Singapore Airport terminal services(80.8%), and Singapore engineering company (81%)
(2) SIA organisation activity Systems

In the Singapore AIRLINES have five pillars for organisation activity systems,
(a) Rigorous service design and development
For the service design SIA have one development under this department they stest the service before they introduce.
“Customers adjust their Expectations according to the brand image when you fly on a good brand like SIA.your expectations are already sky-high. Moreover, SIA gives anything that is just OK, it is not a good enough(Sim Kay Wee)

(b) Total innovation

Singapore Airlines does not make aims to be a lot better, but just a bit better. SIA does not constant innovation but also total innovation in everything. Every time is important.
Additionally, organisation initiatives include SIA “outstanding service on the ground program, Transforming customer service and soar for service all the rest”

(C) “profit consciousness” ingrained in all employees.
This pillar derives the company cultures:
“its drilled into us from the day we start working for SIA, that’s if we don’t make money we will be closed down, Singapore does not need national airlines, second the company has made a significant visionary statement that we don’t want to be the largest company. We want to be the most profitable, its very powerful “(Yap Kin Wah)
(D) Achieving synergies through related diversification and infrastructure
SIA Singapore airport terminal is providing some services in the ground at Changi Airport. It is one of the most cost-efficient major Airport. As an example landing charges for a 747 are $2000 as opposed to 3500 in Hong Kong and $7500 at Narita (doebele 2005)
(E) Developing staff holistically
This is the fifth pillar of SIA. Into this department, senior managers of SIA believe that “earning is SIA is almost next to guidelines”. The popular “Singapore Girl” undergoes training for 15 weeks. Which is longer than the any other airlines and almost twice as long as the industry average of two months